This is your job? (vol. 4/5)

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When you woke up, the sky was a dark navy. Thinking it was rather futile to try to sleep some more, you quietly snuck out of the apartment and headed to the museum, interested to see what your father was up to.

You walked inside the building through the emergency door—which, thankfully, was always unlocked—and you started to look for Larry.

Eventually you found him with a fire extinguisher, putting out a fire in the Neanderthal exhibit. "What happened here?" you called out, running over to him.

"I, uh, gave them a lighter."

"That's a good idea," you replied sarcastically. Then one of the cavemen ate the white foam. "Ugh, that's disgusting." You grimaced. The caveman threw some foam onto your father's face. The others began to holler, and a smile escaped your lips.

Larry stared at them. "...Why?" They hollered even louder. You would've kept watching but you saw a certain Cappucian scurrying across the floor, some keys jiggling in his hand.

"Hey there, Dexter!" you greeted, crouching down. "May I have that?" you asked politely, nodding to the keys. He happily gave them to you and you thanked him, standing back up and looking at your father, still covered in foam. "You look rabid," you laughed, handing him his keys. He took them, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Thank you, Y/N," he sighed. "What are you doing here?"

"I kinda slept the whole day," you confessed, preparing for his anger but it never came. On the contrary, he simply pulled you into a hug, smiling kindly.

"That's alright." His hand came to rest on the back of your head, holding you lovingly. "But maybe try to get a little bit of sleep before sunrise so your sleep schedule isn't completely messed up." He chuckled, his lips brushing your forehead in a small kiss.

You nodded. As you parted ways, you let your feet carry you through the halls for a little while, eventually finding a nice spot to lie down, closing your eyes. It was like falling asleep to a white-noise machine, the sounds around you comforting.


"Wake up, Y/N," Teddy gently called out, pulling you out of your dream. "It's almost dawn." He rode off, Texas's hoofbeats getting quieter as they got farther away.

You stifled a yawn, stretching, and got up. Everyone was getting ready to turn back into statues for the day. You smiled, watching the T-Rex get into position atop his display area and freeze. Your father appeared by your side.

"Sleep well?" he asked with a smile. You nodded, rubbing your eyes. "Good." He was about to turn away when he remembered something. "By the way, your mother wants you to do some chores and stuff at your place."

You quirked a brow at him. "Does mom want that or do you want that?"

He gave you a look and you laughed, nevertheless heading to the revolving doors and stepping outside, on your way to the apartment.


You heard Nicky come home from school as you finished sweeping the floors. You stopped, noticing his mood, and asked the usual questions about his day, which he ignored, heading straight into his room. You let him be, scratching off the last chore on the list with an exhaustive sigh. You collapsed onto your bed, wanting nothing more than to binge-watch something on Netflix.

Half an hour later, your father came home, heading into Nicky's room.

"Hey, buddy," Larry greeted. Able to hear him through the walls, you paused your show and listened to their conversation. "What's going on?"

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