Could you teach me?

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some of the guys notice you drawing in your sketchbook.
enjoy! :)

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Unable to sleep, you grabbed your sketchbook and pencil case, making your way to the one place that helped keep you sane. Well, as sane as you could be, considering what unexplainable chaos lay behind its walls.

You walked through the side door and entered the Museum of Natural History, immediately bumping into Ahkmenrah, the Pharaoh.

"Oh, hello, Y/N," he greeted, smiling a little.

"Hi Ahk."

"Couldn't sleep again?"

You frequented this establishment when you were unable to sleep, so it wasn't hard for anyone to understand why you were here this late at night. Again. "Yeah," you sighed.

"Your father's here somewhere..." he began, craning his neck slightly as he looked around for him.

"It's okay, I'm just gonna go sit down somewhere." You headed to one of the benches and collapsed upon it, opening up your book and turning to a blank page. Getting out a pencil, you sharpened it and placed the tip onto the white surface.

The pencil glided atop the paper smoothly as your wrist gently twisted and turned. Listening to the small animal noises and chatter, you began to create shapes and designs, erasing accidental pencil marks here and there.

Minutes turned into an hour, and you had finished your drawing. Somewhat satisfied, you sat back, staring at your creation.

"Well, that's rather beautiful," you heard over your shoulder. Turning, you saw it was Octavius. Jedediah was at his side, as always.

"Thanks," you replied, blushing slightly at the Roman's comment.

"Maybe you could draw me some time..." he suggested.

"Or me," Jed added. "If you'd like to, that is."

"It would be my pleasure," you answered, grinning.

"Hey, Y/N, what are you doing here?"

Ah, yes. The all-too-familiar voice of your father. Your grin faded as he walked over to you. "I couldn't sleep."

"Alright, but I don't want you to stay here all night. You do need to get some sleep, kiddo."

You nodded. He noticed the sketchbook in your lap and stared at your latest drawing.

"Did you draw that?" he asked. You nodded again. "Wow...that's really good!...Is that a horse with a snake's head?"

"Right on, dad," you replied sarcastically, rolling your eyes a little before smiling.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna just walk around, so call me if you need anything."

"Yep," you smiled.

"So..." the cowboy began, grabbing your attention. You turned your head to face him. "When are you gonna draw us, gigantor?" You laughed a little at the name—which was usually associated with your father—but started sharpening your pencil again.


"Just a few more seconds..." you mumbled, finishing up the details. "Done!" You wiped away the eraser bits and flipped the page around to show them.

The sketch was of both of them, side by side, and you could tell by their faces that they were excited with the result.

"Wow!" Jed gasped.

"That's amazing! How do you do that?"

"Practise, I guess," you answered. "And quite a lot of paper—"

"Could you teach me?" they asked in synchronization. You laughed a little.

"We'd have to get some smaller pencils...but yeah, I can teach you."

You spotted Ahkmenrah heading towards you. "What are you planning on teaching?" he asked, curious.

"Oh, well, Octavius and Jed want me to teach them how to draw." You showed Ahk your sketch of the two men. He stared in awe, his eyes widening.

"I don't suppose you'd mind if I joined you as well?" he commented, smiling a little.

"I should start a class!" you half-joked, causing the men in the room to chuckle.

"Y/N, it's getting late," you heard your father remark from the other side of the room.

"Uh, tomorrow," Ahk stuttered, "bring some extra paper and pencils."

"Will do," you grinned, gathering up your stuff.

"And Y/N," Ahk called out, making you turn and look at him once more, "have a good rest." You smiled, nodding slightly, and made your way towards the exit.

"'Have a good rest'? What was that?" you heard Jed mutter behind you.

"I think someone likes a certain nightwatchman's daughter," Octavius stated before quickly being quieted.

You blushed, heading out into the chilly night air.

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So, I got this cute, oneshot idea the other night and decided to create it.
I hope you enjoyed this! ^.^

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