Earth's mightiest heroes {NATM x Marvel!}

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i know you're excited but—

before we begin, let me quickly preface this by saying three things:

one - you should—at the least—first have seen a few Marvel movies/read the comics/just generally understand the MCU, so you won't be super confused as to what's happening
two - some things are not going to be accurate to the movies/plot. keep in mind that this isn't the transcript; it's creative writing. (although not entirely original but you get the point).
so kindly please refrain from commenting things like, "That didn't happen like that in the movie." your toxicity is not required here, Karen. anyways—
and three - i know the timelines don't exactly...match up with the original plot line and all that, but i just really like the idea of this, and it actually fits quite well (despite a few minor things, but come on lol).

so...that was probably a lot take in...
you can even see the progression of my emotions when i get side-tracked/annoyed haha but hey, i just like to preface things. even though i get a little carried away sometimes.

but anyways, now that that's over, why don't you get comfortable, and maybe even grab a snack or a drink because this is going to be looong (i think it's quite possibly my longest yet!)

⚠️⚠️ TW ⚠️⚠️
(small and quick Trigger Warning)
Blood, bruises, and injuries basically typical Marvel stuff

alrighty...time for the fun part...
enjoy!! :)

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Was leaving your kids at home with an almost complete-and-total stranger a good idea? Because your mother thought so.

Here you were with Nicky, your brother, about to spend some rather unexpected alone time with your mother's new love interest, Don. She'd only just met him a few days ago and yet, felt quite trustworthy already. You and Nicky, however, just met him yesterday and you didn't really see how this man was better than your father, Larry—who was now only able to see you on Wednesdays and every other weekend, as stated by the new custody agreement.

Earlier, the plan was explained; the plan in which all four of you—that is to say: you, Nicky, your mother, and Don—were to have a picnic lunch date together, essentially to "bond" with him as your mother put it. You and Nicky didn't have too much to do before the lunch date other than being tasked with searching up a good picnic area somewhere near your apartment in New York, and helping with the packing.

You were in the middle of neatly fitting the food into the cooler when your mother suddenly received a call, and was urgently needed for work. After informing you of this predicament, she reassured that Don would be here soon—and before you knew it, the apartment door had closed behind her with a click.

Less than half an hour later, there was the expected knock on the door. You answered it, locking eyes with Don, and his lips pulled up into a smile as you exchanged pleasantries. "These are for your mother," he spoke, holding up a beautiful flower bouquet and handing it over to you. "You guys ready to go?"

"Not quite," you sighed, inviting him in. "She's gotten caught up at work and might be a little while." He nodded in understanding, following you into the living room as you picked up a clean vase and placed the flowers inside, adding a little water. You began adjusting the stems and petals absentmindedly when Nicky joined you two, and you couldn't help but notice Don gently toss a strange, black bag that he brought with him onto a nearby armchair.

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