Get lost, Squidward

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* has been re-written! *
sorry, the title's a tiny bit misleading
(as it's not a NATM / Avengers crossover)—
* that's a different chapter ;) *
—but I had to! it just fits so well with this one-shot lol
fluff - Ahk x reader {x Lancelot}
『 Secret of the Tomb 』
enjoy! :)

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The triceratops stared you down. You panicked, quickly hiding behind a suit of armour, and as the skeletal dinosaur barrelled towards you, you heard a rather-manly voice come from the suit, saying, "Don't worry, darling. I've got this." Next thing you knew, you were whisked away to a safer spot, and watched as the suit began to fight the triceratops. It was swiftly punched, causing it to stumble away, whimpering out of the room.

The suit reached up and removed its own helmet, revealing a handsome man. "You are safe now, princess," he stated with a smile—which you happily returned with one of your own. His hand found its way to yours and held it softly, bringing it up to his lips and kissing your knuckles. If you weren't blushing before, you certainly were now.

Your father greeted the knight and he separated from you, introducing himself. "Wait—Lancelot?" you asked. "The Lancelot? From Camelot?"

"Ah, you've heard of me then," he drawled in reply.

You hummed lightly. "You could say that..."

"Alright, let's go," Larry called out, gathering everyone's attention, "We need to find Ahk's parents." Ah yes, the Pharaoh Ahkmenrah. Needless to say—though you'd never say it out loud—you may have had a small crush on him. Which is one of the reasons why you begged your dad to take him with you on this mission.

Lancelot decided to tag along with the group, and as you walked, you couldn't help but notice him staring in your direction every so often. You wondered if you were starting to develop a crush on the knight as well. You faced the front, a shy smile working its way onto your face.


You guys soon stopped to rest up for a bit and, with a turn of the head, you suddenly realized Lancelot was standing right beside you. "I didn't catch your name, fair maiden," he lulled.

"Y/N," you answered in reply.

"That's a pretty name," he complimented. "In fact, I'd even go as far as to say it's almost as pretty as you."

Another smile tugged at your lips, but a voice behind you interrupted the moment. "I'm sorry, Lancelot," Ahkmenrah began, "but she's spoken for."

Lancelot blinked, then gave a kind smile, nodding once before walking away. You turned to the Pharaoh in alarm. "Did you just basically tell him to get lost?—And what do you mean I'm 'spoken for'?"

His mouth opened, but nothing came out. He sighed. "Look, Y/N, I've fancied you ever since I met you, and I could never bring myself to tell you that...well, until now—and okay, maybe I was a little jealous that he was perhaps flirting with you, so yes, I told him you were spoken for to get rid of him, but I'm truly sorry if I upset you—"

You leaned forward, your hands rising to his chest, and you pressed your lips to his, cutting his sentence short. His eyes widened a little but he soon relaxed, and you felt him smile into the kiss. It was cute, the way he just kept talking and rambling on; you couldn't help yourself. "It's alright," you whispered against his lips. "I forgive you."

He dove back in for another passionate kiss, his hands finding your hips. His grip tightened as he pulled you closer to his body—a throat cleared. You two separated in haste, accompanied by a short eye-roll from you since you knew it came from your father.

After a moment, you looked at Ahkmenrah. "So, did you really mean all that?" you questioned, smiling a little.

"Of course," he replied. "And if you'll have me, I'd like for us to be together."

"I'd like that too." Your smile turned into a grin. "I guess I really will be spoken for," you joked. His eyes never left yours.

"I guess you will."

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{September 14th, 2020}
edit: this chapter has been completely re-written to better fit the title.
a variation of the original imagine will eventually be published in my Marvel book if you're interested and/or miss(ed) it! (changed to Marvel characters, respectively) ~

A/N: eeeeeeee!! so cute!!

this one ended up being a little short but i hope you like it! :)

also, 249 reads?! what!? how?! thank you, and i hope you're all enjoying it!! <33

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