05. His favourite things about you

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life's been busy, but thank you for your patience!
i appreciate you and love you
and want to hug all of you right now <33
{this preference is Personality + Appearance}
enjoy :)

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- Larry -

He likes how you have a kind heart, and how you always smile at the museum's visitors when they come up to you at the front desk.
He can't stop staring at your legs. Something about them just gets him...going. Whenever you wear a skirt, he'll be so distracted from what he's doing and usually end up making a mess.

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- Nicky -

He likes how you're not afraid to ask him for help when you're stuck on your homework at school, and gets a little flustered when you bite your lip from thinking deeply about said schoolwork questions.
He loves your smile, so he's constantly telling you jokes, and of course, you can't help but smile and laugh at every one of them (however cheesy or bad they are lmao). He also likes your hair and runs his fingers through and plays with it when he's a little anxious.

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- Don -

He thinks you're really smart and quick-witted and likes how you always find the positivity in dark or sad situations.
He loves when you wear a low-cut v-neck, and leggings, not to mention when you top your outfit with his jacket—he'll be on you before you can say the Museum of Natural History.

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- Ahkmenrah -

He likes how you become so interested in his stories—specifically, how he came to be a King. He gets a little excited when you ask him to tell it to you again and he gets into it, speaking enthusiastically.
He likes to run his fingers through your hair. He loves the length and finds the colour quite attractive on you.

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- Lancelot -

He loves your courage and bravery, and how you stand up for yourself. He also likes how animated you become when telling stories.
His deep fascination with your eyes is somewhat confusing but makes you smile anyway. Once, he said he could stare into your "beautiful eyes" for hours, just listening to you talk about your day.

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side-note: idk why i'm making Don like that...
i mean—let's face it. in my version, he is the Tony Stark of the NATM series lmao

sorry if this wasn't that good...but i am excited to write more!

i hope you guys enjoyed!
and thanks for reading! <33

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