09. How you sleep

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so, the last preference is coming up shortly, and oh boy,
you may want to grab some bleach and holy water ;)
haha anyways
for now, here's the penultimate preference!
this one is {Sleeping Positions}
enjoy! :)

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- Larry -

You and him are not quite as cuddly together when night falls. On any normal night, he'll usually stick to his own side and vice versa with you—the only exception being if one of you needs comfort: you'd spoon—but he'll insist on being the big spoon. Otherwise, you two both lie on your backs, arms at your sides, and he'll gently rest his hand on yours.

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- Nicky -

Occasionally when his parents let you stay the night at their place, you'll share his bed. You both lie on your side: you facing away while he's facing your back. He'll drape his arm over your side, gently keeping you close.

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- Don -

When you two retire for bed, he'll usually lie down on his back and you'll lay your head on his chest, resting your hands on his body. Sometimes he'll softly stroke your hair, or rub his thumb back and forth on your arm.

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- Ahkmenrah -

He doesn't really sleep—or feel the need to—but he'll always stay with you when you want to sleep at the museum, or when you're having trouble sleeping at home. You'll usually find a place to lie down and he'll lie down with you and wrap you in his arms, holding you close, keeping you warm.

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- Lancelot -

He doesn't really sleep—or feel the need to—but when you can't sleep, he'll cuddle you and keep you company at the Museum. He'll run his fingers through your hair, whispering stories of his adventures in Camelot.

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sorry that this one might feel a little short,
but yea i hope you guys liked it c:

thanks for reading <33

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