You're making me blush

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you're walking around the various exhibit rooms with Ahkmenrah.
light fluff - Ahk x reader
enjoy! :)

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"Do you want to know something?" he asked, stopping and turning to face you.

You looked up at him. "What is it, Ahk?" He tucked a few stray hairs behind your ear.

"You are so beautiful."

You silently gasped, feeling your skin start to heat up.

"Your face is turning red. Did I say something wrong?" He looked you over nervously.

"No," you quickly spoke. "You're just making me blush..." Finding the task of looking into his eyes too difficult, you stared at your shoes. "I never thought I'd hear you say that to me."

He quietly sighed, his shoulders relaxing. Taking a step forward, he placed his hands gingerly upon your hips. You looked up at him, a little confused.

"Do you want to know something else?" He gazed into your eyes, a small smile upon his face. "I never thought I'd have the chance to tell you."

Right before your lips could touch, your ears were met with the clearing of someone's voice from across the room. You looked up, seeing the one person you hoped you wouldn't, his hands on his hips.

"Ahk, let go of my daughter."

Ahk's face flushed as his hands retracted from your body. You rolled your eyes a little and faced your father, surprised to see Teddy coming up to him, Texas's heels clacking against the hardwood flooring.

"Oh, come on, Lawrence," he spoke, "You were young once." Teddy left, the clickety-clack-ing slowly becoming faint.

Your father sighed, turning to stare at Ahk. "Alright, but if any harm comes to her, you're going right back into that sarcophagus for all eternity—"

"Dad," you groaned slightly, cutting him off.

"Larry, I promise I will treat Y/N like a queen," Ahk commented.

"But she's not going to become a queen for at least a few more years though—"

"Seriously?" you scoffed in half-amusement as your father raised his hands in defense.

"Alright, alright, I'm leaving," he relented, making his way out of the room.

"Now..." Ahk drawled, "where were we?" He grinned as the gap between you two closed.

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This one's a little shorter, but I saw a dialogue prompt somewhere with the part about their face turning red, so that sparked the idea of this one-shot.
I hope it was still enjoyable! ^.^

Again, let me know if you'd like to request something! Also, thank you for almost 100 reads! <33

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