07. Comfort

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this one is {Hugs + Cuddles}
enjoy! :)

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- Larry -

He can usually tell when something is bothering you, so he'll grab you into a tight hug, holding you against him, occasionally rubbing your back slowly. Otherwise, he'll give the odd hug here and there, but they're mostly reserved for special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries)—which just makes them even more special.
He's not a crazy huge fan of cuddling but does enjoy it—particularly when you two are home on the couch, binge-watching a tv show you started together.

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- Nicky -

He loves hugs. Whenever you two see each other, he'll give you a big hug, sometimes rocking back and forth. He likes surprising you by hugging you from behind when you're not looking, resting his chin gently on your shoulder.
He loves cuddling (—almost as much as he loves hugs...which is still a lot). He'll insist on being the big spoon, but secretly likes when you occasionally spoon him.

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- Don -

His hugs are like bear hugs. They just engulf you every time—but you both love it. He does get a little handsy, but who's to say that that's a bad thing.
He likes cuddling. Quite rarely he'll want it turning into something else, but most of the time, he'll just relax with you and rub your shoulders and back lovingly.

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- Ahkmenrah -

Every time he gives you a hug, you melt. His hugs are just so reassuring and gentle, you never want to let go. He'll rub your back slowly, kissing the top of your head.
Cuddling isn't as easy in the Museum, but you make do. You'll sit together on the museum benches often, leaning your head on his shoulder. He'll sometimes play with your hair gently, running his fingers through it. He'll even try and braid your hair absentmindedly.

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- Lancelot -

He varies with the quantity of his hugging; one day he'll be good with just one in the evening and morning, but the next day he'll want one every two minutes. Although his hugs can be tight, each one is full of love.
Cuddling isn't as easy in the Museum, but even so, he'd rather a short hug than a long cuddle. However, on the off occasion he cuddles with you, he'll wrap you in his arms and softly tell you stories of his adventures in Camelot.

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i'm giving you a big hug right now whether you need it or not c:
i love you guys so much xoxo

thanks for reading <33

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