Nice shot

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here's a Nicky x reader fluff idea
that i had earlier about him practicing for hockey.
both actors (from movie 1+2, or 3) work for this
{though i was more picturing movie 3's Nicky lollll}
enjoy :)

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Ka-chunk. The sound of hockey stick to puck burst out into the chilly evening air, the sun eagerly inching closer to hide itself behind the horizon. Your eyes quickly followed the black disc as it flew straight into the netted goal at the other end of the rink, and your lips curled up in a smile. "Nice shot, Nicky," you called out.

The boy returned a smile of his own, slightly timid. "Thanks, Y/N." He glided through the spacious rink to the other side. "Now I'm not saying I don't appreciate it, but you don't have to congratulate me every time I get a goal."

"Yeah, I know...but I like to," you remarked, glancing up at the sky, which was rather quickly darkening.

Nicky shook his head a little, sliding the puck out of the goal's net with his hockey stick. He had told you not too long ago to meet him at the skating rink to keep him company while he practiced for the competition that was taking place next week. You'd agreed to come but now regretted not grabbing a pair of gloves before you left your place, rubbing your hands together for warmth. And whoever thought of metal bleachers must not have realized how stupidly cold they got in winter.

The smooth skimming of the sharp blades digging into the ice was gentle and somewhat calming as he coerced the puck back to the other side. "It would help if I had someone to practice with though," he noted. "Y'know, like a goalie, or an opposing teammate to try and steal the puck away from me."

"You could always ask your father," you spoke. Nicky shook his head, lining up for another shot.

"He's too busy with his brand new job at some museum." Ka-chunk. "And the other one's not too good on the ice," he added, suppressing a laugh.

You both grinned. "Don's that bad, huh?" He sighed, looking out into the distance, and quite suddenly it sort of seemed like he was having an epiphany.

"Hey, why don't you help me practice?"

"I dunno..." You started wringing your hands, a little apprehensive; you were never the best skater and you knew it. "Besides, I don't even have any skates of my own."

Nicky slid to the rim of the rink and carefully reached over the side, grabbing his nearby backpack and unzipping it. "Well, it's a good thing I brought these." He pulled out a pair of white leather figure skates, the matching white laces tied in bows. "They're my mother's, but I don't think she'll mind you borrowing them for a while."

You found yourself unable to speak, feeling quite suddenly put on the spot. You hesitated, in the hope of trying to find the right words. "Nicky, that's very sweet of you, but I don't know if I'd be much of a help."

"Why not?" he asked, a little disdainful. You sighed lightly.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not very good at skating..."

"Then I'll teach you," he smiled. "It's simple. Just like riding a bike."

You raised an eyebrow. "I doubt that, but alright," you answered, reluctantly taking them from his grasp, sliding off your winter boots and slipping into the skates, relieved when they fit almost perfectly. You carefully made your way back over to him, struggling slightly from the change in balance and the light layer of snow upon the ground.

"Alright, now slowly step onto the ice." He stretched his hand out and you held it gently, tentatively lifting your skate up and placing it onto the smooth surface. You cautiously shifted your weight, raising the other one off of the ground and onto the ice as well, facing him. Your steadiness faltered a little and your free hand gripped his arm tightly for support. "It's okay, I've got you," he comforted. "Alright, we're gonna start moving now."

He gradually began to skate backward, pulling you along with him, and your hand slid to his, holding him close. Your feet stayed planted, carving slightly wobbly lines into the ice below. "See? You're skating," he commented, grinning. "You're actually doing it."

"Only 'cuz you're here to help me," you remarked.

A little while later, you felt much more confident with your skating abilities. "Wow, you're getting really good," Nicky observed, watching you glide alongside him with barely any of his help. You came up to the side of the rink and slowed down, twirling around to face him and leaned back on the ledge. He stood beside you, proud, leaning on the ledge as well.

A smile crept onto your lips. "You think?"

He nodded. "Totally."

Silence drifted in. You started to realize how close you two were standing and he did too. Slowly straightening up, you grasped the hem of his jacket and pulled him closer. He leaned forward and his soft lips connected with yours. You delighted in his touch as his hand found its way to the back of your neck, drawing you into his body, deepening the kiss.

After you broke away, he looked at you longingly. "Do you still want to help me practice?"

You smiled, practically beaming. "Of course." Nicky hastily retrieved the puck once more as you made your way in front of the goal. He readied himself for another shot. "—But if the puck leaves the surface of the ice, I'm leaving," you joked, covering yourself. He smirked slightly.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

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just a little fluff for you today!

i hope school wasn't too bad to go back to since the holidays are sadly over already, but in case you were feeling down, this hopefully should've picked you right back up :)

thanks for reading <33

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