Now...where were we?

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continuing from, He won't notice
the fourth — and final — installment
enjoy ;)

l i m e
w a r n i n g

~ ~ ~

Exiting the storage room, you spotted Ahkmenrah making his way over to you. "What is it this time?" you quipped, unable to remove the growing smile from your face as you propped your hands on your hips.

"I was merely tasked in letting you know that your father would like to speak with you, as soon as he's done his routine nightguard duties. Possibly something about you and your tendencies of staying here overnight..." He quirked a brow.

You playfully rolled your eyes at him. He was grinning slightly at your response but when he remembered something, the grin quickly faded. "Oh, by the way, have you seen Jedediah?" He elaborated after seeing your look of confusion. "Since his transformation was the more recent, I might have a very small chance to turn him back to normal and, of course, your father wants me to exhaust every option. Anyway, I just need him for a few...minutes..." His sentence slowed at the end as he caught sight of something on your exposed skin. Two somethings, actually: one on either side of your neck, just above your collarbone. "What are those markings?"

The realization took a second to kick in and your eyes almost widened in shock; it was two quite-visible hickeys from Jedediah and Octavius just a moment ago. Slightly flustered, you quickly shrugged it off. "I dropped my phone while I was lying down...twice—So," you quickly switched the topic back before he could interrogate you, "Jed. I'll go get him." Turning around, you left him and went back into the storage room as quickly as you could.

The two men were standing almost exactly where they had been earlier, slightly adjusting their outfits and themselves, waiting. "Jed," you called out as you opened the door, "Ahk wants to talk to you." The cowboy made his way out of the room as you stepped inside, closing the door behind you.

You slowly walked over to Octavius, the thoughts of what happened less than five minutes ago resurfacing in your mind. A growing part of you longed and craved for their touch again, and you felt a blush creep up your face when you made eye-contact with the Roman who was now an arm's length away.

"I apologize if I came on a bit too strong..." Octavius mumbled. "It's been some time since I engaged in romantic activities, and I feel like my actions are coming off as...well, rough and needy," he joked.

You gave him a reassuring smile and placed your hand on his for comfort. "It's okay."

He appeared to relax slightly, his tense shoulders slacking, and his head tilted down to stare at the floor. Your hand left his as both of yours went into your jean's back pockets, feeling a little shy yet more suggestive by the minute. "I actually enjoyed it," you quietly drawled.

Processing this, he studied his sandals before looking up and meeting your gaze. The corner of his mouth slowly turned up in a small smirk. "Shall I kiss you again?"


Octavius stepped closer, his hand suddenly drifting to your jaw to lift it up slightly when he leaned in, smashing his lips onto yours.

His touch warmed your skin instantly and was enough to make you melt right there in his embrace. Slowly, his hands made their way to cup your face, holding you as his lips moved against yours. He didn't exactly seem starved for affection like he previously implied he was, but as the shared kiss began to heat up, his mouth began to work feverishly. Hungrily.

Your hands rose to his sides and held onto him when a soft moan slipped out from your throat. He smirked against your lips, loving the way he made you feel as his mouth parted slightly, his tongue swiping at your bottom lip. When you wouldn't give in, his fingers quickly dragged down your skin and grabbed your waist roughly, pulling you as close to his body as he could.

Still moving your lips against his, your hands blindly reached his helmet and slowly slid it off of him, gently tossing the metal headpiece to the floor. Your fingers immediately rushed to his hair, playing with his small, fluffy waves as he tilted his head a little, gaining a better angle to continue kissing you deeply. A little tug on his hair made Octavius groan and slide his hands down to your butt, squeezing firmly through the fabric.

The heat radiating off of the two of you felt like a kettle was about to whistle. You parted, needing to catch your breath as your heart thumped faintly in your ears. He leaned his forehead on yours as he closed his eyes, breathing deeply as he held you. Neither of you spoke—mostly because there was no need to. It was almost enough to make you fall asleep in his arms.

The sound of the storage door wrenching open threw you out of your thoughts and you hastily took a few steps back to put some distance between you two—in an attempt to avoid any awkward conversations. Octavius quickly grabbed his helmet from the floor and was putting it back on when Jedediah entered.

"He's askin' for you," the cowboy called to the Roman, nodding to the door where Ahkmenrah stood out of sight, awaiting him. Octavius looked at you a little timidly before reluctantly walking to the open door and exiting.

Jedediah's eyes darted back and forth to you and the doorway—regarding Octavius. Curiosity was noticeable in his voice as he spoke, an unsure smile on his face. "Something happened between you two while I was gone..."

"I sense a hint of jealousy," you quipped with a small smirk, crossing your arms and observing as he began wandering over to you, his fingers buried in his pockets.

"Just a little," he replied, copying your smirk. "'Course, I don't know if you know this, but I don't particularly like sharing something so beautiful."

Your eyes dropped to the floor along with your arms, heat rising to your face. You began to play with your fingers as Jed stopped right in front of you, his hands sneaking out and coming to rest on the sides of your arms. "Do you remember where we left off?...'Cuz I think it was right..."—he began to lean in closer—"here."

His right hand rose to caress your cheek with the backs of his fingers, then they moved to brush your hair out of the way as he cupped your cheek, his head slowly gravitating nearer. Your hands drew to his clothed chest of their own accord, resting against the fabric, and Jedediah took that to press his lips against yours, smiling a little into the kiss as his other hand found your waist.

Your fingers slowly slid down his chest to his abdomen, and a small, muffled groan came from his mouth, him becoming hungrier; he stepped even closer, his left hand lifting to the front of your shirt and tracing over your breast—

A throat cleared somewhere near the door and you both turned your heads like deer in headlights. Octavius leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed. "Alright, I think this has gone on long enough," he remarked, his gaze somewhere up at the ceiling until it dropped back down to meet yours as you and Jed slowly parted arms and stepped away from each other. "Seeing as you've had both of us now, I think it's time you pick. Either him or me."

Jedediah's hands went back into his pockets as he shifted his weight. You looked at him hesitantly. "Well," he began with a smirk, "I did already say how I feel about you...I think he has a point—an' I don't say that too often," he added as he raised an eyebrow.

"So, Y/N," Octavius suddenly spoke from behind you. You spun around to face him as he gave a small smirk. "Who's it gonna be?"

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we're already at 42k reads now!! and 640 votes?! thank you all so, so, so much!! <33333
i seriously can't tell you enough how much i appreciate the support

okay, back to the imagine...

...and that's it! it's finished! the Jedediah x reader x Octavius series is now complete!
yes, i'm purposely ending it like this. you can use your imagination as to how the situation would plan out depending on whom you picked. they're called imagines for a reason :P

looking back, this series was kind of all over the place, and i don't think i ever actually intended for it to become a series of its own, but i somehow managed to relatively tie it all up at the end (aside from the blatant cliffhanger ending haha)

but as always i really hope you enjoyed!
and thanks for reading <33

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