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requested imagine
light fluff ~ Octavius x reader
in exhibit form {miniature}
enjoy :)

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Ever since Ahkmenrah and his tablet were relocated to your home of the Museum of Natural History, everything changed.

You'd watch everyone strap on their cowboy boots and adjust their wide-brimmed hats, preparing for another evening of wild and childish shenanigans...

It made you sick.

After grudgingly rolling out of bed, you wanted nothing more than to escape from all the other fellow cowboys and visit the Roman exhibit next door. You hopped over and, after wandering the streets for a while, entered their small tavern. You sat down at the bar and ordered something to take the edge off.

"You do know it's 11 o'clock in the morning, right?" the bartender asked, still reaching for a glass from the shelf underneath the counter.

"Are you my mother?"

The bartender raised an eyebrow but continued fixing your drink in silence. He placed it on the coaster in front of you and turned his attention to the counter, wiping it down with a damp cloth.

In your peripheral, a well-dressed Roman man sat down in the seat next to yours, asking for a drink as well. "You too?" you heard the bartender utter as he started fixing it up for him. You lifted the glass to your mouth and savored the taste, turning to look at the man beside you. As they caught your eye, their sad, small frown immediately vanished from their face.

"Oh, hello Y/N," Octavius greeted, attempting to hide the pain he was in by clearing his throat and puffing out his chest somewhat weakly. You had met him before when you visited the Roman exhibit for the first time.

"You don't look too good," you remarked, taking another sip. "I think all your poor leadership skills have finally gotten to you."

He scoffed at your brisk tone as you put your cup back down, him receiving his own drink in turn. "Well, you're not exactly a party-pleaser either."

You quirked your brow, gazing down at your own glass. "Damn, usually I'm the grumpy one around here."

Octavius winced a little with regret. "Sorry..." He glided his fingers up and down his cup absentmindedly.

"So, what's bothering you?" you asked.

"Nothing," he addressed rather quickly. You stared at him.

"Fine," he sighed. "I'm just feeling a little...downhearted, I guess."

Your glass scarcely missed being knocked off the counter as you properly turned to face him, becoming concerned. "Why?"

"If I'm being honest, it is the leadership thing," he began. "It seems like everyone looks up to me and I don't always know the right things to do, or say. There are others who are more fit for the job...younger and stronger...I just feel like I'm not good enough to be a leader."

Your heart broke. He took a sip, and you felt yourself start to smile as a thought formed in your mind. "Even though we're from opposite sides of the playground, I still think you're the best and brightest leader I've ever known. But don't tell anyone I said that," you added, laughing slightly.

Octavius gave a small chuckle and met your eyes. "Really?"

"Yes, of course!" You grinned. "You've fought wars, and led armies...Who else can say that?"

His small smile faded again. "Yes, but I've 'fought wars and led armies'. It may not look like it, Y/N, but I've seen things and done things—a whole lot of things. I'm not just old, I'm ancient."

"Stop beating yourself up, Octavius," you insisted. "Why do you think I put up with you?" The teasing remark brought a grin across both of your faces. "You're awesome. And I like you because of that."

"Thanks, Y/N." He placed a hand on your lower arm gently. "I really needed to hear that."

You beamed. "Anytime."

"Really?—'Cos I'm all booked tomorrow afternoon, but I'm free on Thursday," he joked. You hit his arm playfully, rolling your eyes.

"Oi! Octavius!" a Roman called out from the entrance to the tavern. "Caecilius needs your help again; he acquired a new sculpture from the market but it won't fit through his door."

Octavius sighed, nodding in acknowledgment. He then turned back to you, standing up. "I'm afraid I have to leave."

You smiled. "Go be a leader."

"Thank you." He grasped your hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly. Without another word, he strode through the quiet tavern. He looked back at you once more at the entrance, flashed a smile, and he was gone.

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it's always a pleasure to write requests!
(and i really like how this one turned out!)

i really hope you all enjoyed!
oh and especially you who requested it! <33
i hope it was what you imagined it to be ;)

thanks for reading <33

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