Shouldn't you be in bed?

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light fluff - Ahkmenrah x reader
enjoy! :)

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Two hours.

Two whole hours of tossing and turning and yet you still couldn't fall asleep. You even created a whole movie in your head, cast and all...but you were still wide awake. In retrospect, taking, like, five naps throughout the day because of how late you stayed up last night probably had something to do with it.

A frustrated groan clawed at your throat as you kicked off the blankets and sat up. You stretched, reaching over the side of the bed for the pants and shirt on your bedroom floor that you'd worn previously, and exchanged them with your pyjamas. After adding a comfy sweater, you walked to the apartment door, careful not to wake Nicky or your mother. You slipped on a pair of sneakers, and put on your jacket for that extra layer of warmth, then left.

The stubborn, brisk wind worked feverishly to chill what skin was left exposed. You ignored it, just wanting to go somewhere—anywhere, and soon found yourself in front of the Museum of Natural History, the place where your father worked. Just a few days ago, you learned that the exhibits come to life at night, which was probably the reason why you subconsciously walked here tonight.

Maybe the animals could trample me into a coma, you thought, rather facetiously, too mentally exhausted to smile at your joke as you walked around to the side door; the one with the unnoticeably-broken lock that needed to get fixed. Then I would finally get some sleep.

Stepping inside and entering a hallway, you immediately bumped into the Pharaoh Ahkmenrah. "Y/N?" he asked, concerned. "What are you...Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

You hesitated, your eyes trailing to the floor. "I can't sleep." Upon hearing this, his expression softened.

"Why not?" He gently placed a hand upon your back and guided you farther inside to warm up.

"Well, it's not for a lack of trying," you remarked with a huff as you walked. Clarity dawned on him.

His other hand brushed up and down through the fabric on the side of your arm comfortingly. "Well, since you walked here—and the fresh air would've done some good—I think maybe you should try to rest once again. Sleep is important." You nodded, the pair of you wordlessly making your way through the Museum, heading in the direction of the Egyptian exhibit.

Just then, you and your father spotted each other as he rounded the corner. His protective-parent mode kicked in when he noticed you were walking in Ahkmenrah's arms, and suddenly he was by your side. "Y/N, what happened? Are you okay?"

"She's fine, Larry," Ahk spoke, his voice calming to hear. "She just had a little trouble sleeping."

"You're really okay?" Your father tensely looked you over.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you reassured with a small smile.

Larry sighed slowly, trying to relax. "Alright, go lie down and rest for a bit—even if you can't fall asleep...Just close your eyes." You nodded. "I'll come check on you later," he stated with a kind smile, raising a hand to your face and cupping your cheek lightly, gliding his thumb back and forth. Then his hand was gone and so was he.

When you two finally got to the Egyptian exhibit, Ahkmenrah got his Jackal men to create a bed for you to lie on. And for a make-shift bed, it was quite suitable.

You took your jacket off and used it as a blanket as Ahk walked over. "Could I lie down with you?" he asked, before quickly adding, "I want to make sure you're as comfortable as you can be."

You nodded, smiling, and Ahk cuddled up behind you, holding you close. Turns out, that's all you needed, and you were out like a light. And it was one of the best nights of sleep you'd had in a long time.

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again, i'm not quite 100% satisfied with the ending of this imagine, but it's considerably late...whoops...and i'm sorry if this one seems a little half-assed lol i really did try
i do like this one-shot as a whole, nonetheless!

another post to come soon! c:

thanks for reading <33

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