02. How he asked you out

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again, Lancelot has been omitted
but nevertheless,
enjoy! :)

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- Larry -

It had been a week since Larry, the new nightguard, first walked through the front doors that Thursday afternoon and asked you for directions. And every evening since, as you were packing up and getting ready to head home, he would enter those doors again, and you wouldn't really see him until the start of your shift at dawn.

One evening, before you were to clock out of your shift, you decided to admire some of your favourite exhibits, and just enjoy the peace and quiet the empty halls offered. Sitting on a nearby bench, your eyes glazed over the informational plaques—which you'd read almost a hundred times—to the seemingly life-like statues behind the glass enclosures.

"Hey, miss?" you heard down the corridor behind you. "I'm gonna have to ask you to vacate the premises." You turned your head and saw Larry, all suited up, flashlight at his side. Wow, how long have I been sitting here?

"Hey," you replied back, smiling.

"So, any big plans tomorrow?" he asked, referring to the mini-vacation you two were allowed to take since some workers were coming in and doing slight renovations.

"Well," you thought, "was thinking of sleeping in all morning, then binge-watching something for eight hours straight..."—he stood, listening, sliding the torch into a spot on his belt—"but I wouldn't call that big." He smiled at your comment and you got up, both of you making your way to the lobby. Eventually, you reached the front desk and started gathering your things. His voice caught your attention once more.

"I know this great place on the corner of 6th...—if you like coffee."

"I like coffee," you remarked, meeting his gaze, a smile making its way onto your lips. With your things in your arms, you began heading toward the revolving door.

"Meet me there tomorrow at noon."

"6th at noon," you repeated behind your shoulder. Placing a hand on the door, you turned back to look at him, giving him one last smile. "Got it."

~ ~ ~

- Nicky -

As the week progressed, things at your new school got easier. With the help of Nicky, you knew—by heart—where your classrooms were, and how to get there. He was, safe to say, one of your new best friends. But little did you know that you two would start to become more than that.

At lunch on Friday, you two sat together as usual, but you caught him staring at you more than once—and every time he'd quickly look at something else.

After the bell rang at the end of the day for dismissal, he caught up to you at your locker as you were gathering your stuff. He fumbled his words a little but eventually made an understandable sentence.

"Hey, Y/N, would you wanna, maybe, go for lunch or something this weekend?"

Your lips pulled into a small smile as you nodded. "Yeah, Nicky, I'd like that."

As you turned to close and lock up your locker, you could've sworn you heard a sigh of relief, which only made you smile more.

~ ~ ~

- Don - {continuing from previous preference}

"But seriously, thank you," you spoke, clutching your compact mirror in your hands. Your eyes wandered down to the small item in your fingertips, absentmindedly wiping its surface.

"I'd ask if you'd want to get a drink, but as you were just leaving there, it's probably not the best idea," the man in front of you remarked, smiling again. Lifting your head, you met his gaze and copied his smile in return as he introduced himself. "I'm Don."

"Y/N." You tucked a few loose strands of hair behind your ear.

"Could I possibly interest you in a coffee tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure," you replied.

"Alright, meet me here—outside this bar—at noon. I know a place."

~ ~ ~

- Ahkmenrah -

Now coming to visit the Museum for the second time, you knew what to expect, but it still took you by surprise when Rexy became alive and shook his limbs, stretching before taking off at a run down the corridor.

Later on in the evening, Ahkmenrah had met up with you and made you follow him to an empty, darkened exhibit.

"Alright, Egyptian, what's going on?" you remarked, keeping your voice down. His gaze was to the floor, staring at the patterned tiles.

"I can't stop thinking..."

You furrowed your brows, confused. "About what?" you asked. The Pharaoh lifted his head and your eyes met his.


Feeling your face start to heat up, you looked down to hide it from him, even though it was too dark for him to see anyway.

"Would you maybe want to go for a walk with me?" he continued. "If it's okay with Larry, we could even go beyond the museum, and into the park—"

You placed a finger on his lips to quiet him as you smiled.

"I'd like that."

~ ~ ~

and we are done another preference! c:

i hope you guys enjoyed!

thanks for reading! <33

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