This is your job? (vol. 1/5)

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"Wait, dad, you're taking me where?" you asked your father, Larry Daley.

"Well, I don't want you home alone yet, Y/N," he replied, grabbing his keys and opening up the front door of your apartment. You laughed and crossed your arms.

"I'm 17."

"Only one more year to go," he added, rushing you out of the doorway. You shook your head with a smile. You loved how much he cared about you, even though your parents split up and Don's the one with your mother now. Stupid Don. (I'm kidding I love Paul Rudd lmaoalso, totally not important, but when I watched it again when I was a little older I was like What?! Paul Rudd?! What?! lol anyways) You then realized that you are, in fact, home alone; Nicky was at school and your mother was running errands god knows where. You didn't have to go to high school anymore because you graduated a year earlier, and instead were busy searching and applying to colleges and universities. Even though you were perfectly capable of staying home alone, your dad had other plans...

The brisk, chilly air cooled your face as you walked down the streets of New York. "You still didn't answer my question, by the way," you stated.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Larry apologized. "We're going to check out my new job."

"You got one?" you asked, surprised.

"Yeah, it's at the Museum... the Museum Of Natural History," he explained.

You got inside and Larry led the way to the front desk. He proceeded to talk with a lady that you assumed worked there, and she pointed down a hallway. Larry motioned for you to follow him.

Larry found the correct door and rung the bell. An older gentleman opened the top half of the door and stuck his head out, greeting your father, and tells him his name's Cecil. Then he glanced at you.

"And who's this young lady?" he asked, smiling. You blushed a little and smiled back.

"Uh, this is my daughter... Y/N," Larry answered. "She's stuck with me today." They both chuckled.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you," Cecil stated, extending a hand and shaking yours.

"It's nice to meet you too, sir," you replied.

He invited you two in and chatted a bit with your father, introducing his friends, Reginald and Gus.

"This is Larry," Cecil explained to the others. "He's the kid who wants to be the new night guard."

You watched as your father's eyes widened a little. "Nightguard? No, the lady at the agency said this was a museum position."

"Most important position in the museum, Larry," Cecil stated. "What'd ya say?"

"Hang on a sec," Larry began. "I think I might wanna have a little time just to think it over."

"D'ya want the job or not, snack shack?" Gus asked, and a smile formed on your lips, holding back a laugh.

"No, no—I want the job—"

"Welcome to the night guards, Larry!" Reginald smiled. Cecil asked to meet you two on the second floor to show you around and your father agreed. You said your goodbyes to the others and you and Larry headed upstairs.

Cecil gave you basically a tour of the place, explaining different exhibits with quite a lot of detail.

"Do you have to know all of this stuff to work here?" you asked, smiling a little.

"All of it, yes, but when you're just a night guard, it's not required," Cecil stated. "But I read all these little informational plaques, so that's where most of my knowledge about this stuff here came from."

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