This is your job? (vol. 3/5)

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The Pharaoh Ahkmenrah rattled the sarcophagus violently, screaming and yelling.

"Yell all you want, Pharaoh!" Teddy shouted. "You've been in there 54 years. You're not getting out tonight."

He faced you and your father and pointed to the tablet. "There's the source of all this commotion: the Tablet of Ahkmenrah. Arrived here in 1952 from the Nile expedition. On that night, everything in this museum came to life. And every night since."

"So, everything in the museum comes to life every night?" you asked.

"Exactly," Teddy replied.

"And...I'm supposed to do what?" your father questioned.

"You're the night watchman, Lawrence. A venerable position in this institution." Teddy led you both out of the room as your father mulled it over.

"—All right—okay—this is impossible," Larry states.

"Nothing's impossible. If it can be dreamed, it can be done. Hence the 20-foot jackal staring at you right now." As you both looked up, Teddy added, "Don't make eye contact!"

Upon reaching the hallway, Teddy began to tell Larry more information as you started walking to his exhibit.

"Your job is to make sure that everyone stays inside the museum, because if the sun rises and anyone's on the outside..." Teddy stopped and faced your father, "we turn to dust."

"You turn to dust?" Larry repeated.

"Dust," Teddy almost whispered back.

"Really?" you asked him. He looked at you.

"Really." Teddy once again turned back to Larry. "Now, it's almost dawn. I shall help you restore order tonight, but mark my words, it's the last time I shall ever do so. Is that clear?"

"...Yeah, I mean—I mean, I guess—I don't know—"

"Stop babbling, boy!" Teddy shouted. "Yes or no?"

"Yes!" Larry answered confidently.

"Good!" Teddy cheered. "Let's ride."


You looked out of the big windows in the lobby, surprised that dawn was just minutes away. Teddy got upon Texas.

"Well, then. Welcome to the family, Lawrence. And you too, Y/N," Teddy stated, tipping his hat a little. "See you tomorrow night."

"Actually, I gotta be honest," your father began. "I don't think I'm coming back."

"What?" Teddy stared. "You've only just begun."

"Yeah, dad," you chimed in. "Maybe you should sleep on it."

"Yeah, well, this is not exactly what I'd—"

"You can't give up on this, too," you told him.

"What are you talking about?" Larry asked you. You lifted your fingers up in front of him and snapped. "No, I didn't give up on the snapper, I just hit a few roadblocks..."

"Lawrence?" Teddy called out, grabbing his attention.

"Yes, sir?"

"Some men are born great. Others have greatness thrust upon them. For you, this is that very moment."

Texas made his way atop the display and stopped. Teddy unsheathed his sword and took his position.

You and Larry started to walk away until Teddy scares you. He laughs. "Bully!...Got you!"

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