3- Ahead

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Stuck between Kings
-chapter 3-


Izuku sheepishly chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck

He hadn't paid much attention to his classmates as he was too determined to lead the path he wanted to

It sounded extremely stupid and dumb for Izuku to have been attending a whole year at U.A. And still have not know the names or faces of his classmates

He bowed down numerous times to shoto in utter embarrassment

"I'm so sorry your highness!, I've been extremely stupid that I haven't noticed your gracefulness in my classroom"

Shoto sighed for the 100th time and frowned a little but still keeping the same stern and cold expression

"It's alright midoriya" shoto said trying to calm the still bowing midoriya, "it's not rare to see a royal in U.A"

Izuku smiled and looked at shoto, he seemed like a cool person

'He was very handsome'
The thought creeped into izuku's head making him shudder a bit

Shoto looked at the green head still dazed at his beauty as well

He had seen him around and had caught himself glancing occasionally at the green head

"It indeed saddens me that you haven't noticed me" Shoto guilt tripped Izuku

Izuku flinched, "I-I'm sorry todoroki!, if you want I can m-make it up to you!"

This was the moment shoto had been waiting for

"What about we hang out during school and get to know each other better" Shoto suggested ever so casually

"Y-Yes that would b-be a great idea!" Izuku wasn't very fond of the idea but he didn't mind having another friend

Shoto smirked internally

He knew better then to mess with Izuku but what could he do?

He was just a bratty, young, handsome, soon-to-be king, he got what he wanted

And not owner of Izuku could stop him

The excitement thriller him and he couldn't wait for the challenge ahead


Word count:361

Sorry for the short and unscheduled update, I broke off a relationship a few months ago and I'm starting one again
(I'm not a hoe, I promise!)
(A/n from 2020: Poor little me...that relationship won't work out either hehe"

that relationship won't work out either hehe"

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