23~I am here my love

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-chapter 23-


The large white castle mostly known as "The dragon Kingdom" was in utter chaos

people where going all sorts of directions carrying white décor suited for weddings

Tomorrow was Bakugo's wedding with uraraka, although the wedding was rushed bakugo wanted to stop hearing his parents complaints, Although bakugo dreaded the idea of getting married right after izuku got up he had no other choice but to finally welcome a much needed queen

The only reason bakugo granted izuku permission to leave the castle was so bakugo wouldn't regret his choice when seeing izuku

"do you want to take Na-kyum?" Bakugo asked the night before the wedding , he kissed izuku slowly

"I-I'm not quite sure" izuku answered truthfully, he looked at his son who was walking slowly around the bedroom

izuku didn't exactly like his son but he felt bad leaving such a small child with bakugo who was already busy, and izuku didn't like the idea of uraraka raising Na-Kyum.

All morning on the garden izuku paced back in forth on whether or not he should indeed leave Na-Kyum with Bakugo and Uraraka. Na-kyum looked up at his mother he would raise his little hands and yell "mama" to catch izuku's attention

izuku looked at his son intently

maybe I should take him with me....

"shinso should I take Na-kyum?" izuku asked that same night during dinner while bakugo was away

"Bakugo would find you more quickly...Especially since Na-kyum is his only heir" shinso answered eating with izuku and Na-kyum

"well bakugo is getting married tomorrow...whether or not he wants to he needs to have a child with uraraka and that would make Na-Kyum a bastard child since I'm not a noble" izuku said trying to convince shinso and himself to take Na-Kyum

"that is true but it would make it more difficult to leave and bakugo would defiantly make us take more than one knight, anyways how would we explain to todoroki that you had a man's child" shinso pointed out with his spoon

izuku bit his lip and looked at Na-kyum with worry for the first time

"I get that it's a mother instinct but it would make it more difficult to fake our deaths with a child, besides it seems like Bakugo wouldn't miss treat his own son"

"yeah...It's better to leave him with bakugo, I wouldn't want Na-Kyum to have to live in hiding instead of living as a normal noble child" izuku felt his hate for his son slowly disappear

late night izuku put his son down for bed while caressing his cheek

"goodbye my son...may you grow without worry"

izuku looked down seeing Na-Kyum fast asleep

he turned around facing the door and without looking back he left the tiny bedroom

"don't ever turn back, leave with no regrets...don't ever look back"


early morning izuku got up early to leave as soon as possible

bakugo hugged izuku tightly

"please be safe...and I'm sorry about the wedding" bakugo said

izuku smiled softly. "its necessary for you to get married...look after Na-Kyum for me"

Bakugo nodded his head and let izuku enter the carriage

izuku entered the carriage to four under cover guards sleeping on one side of the seat of the carriage while shinso sat on the opposite side looking out the window

he looked at izuku and sighed. "there's no looking back after this"

izuku nodded his head slowly in acknowledgement. "I won't regret a thing"

the carriage rode slowly and all izuku could do was think of Na-kyum

did I make the right decision?

shinso stayed quiet the entire time and only spoke to explain why they suddenly stopped

izuku got off the carriage and saw at least three carriages waiting for them, the four knights entered one and shinso got off as well and started talking to a man

shinso turned around and explained the situation to izuku

"we are going to put 6 dead bodies inside the carriage, flip the carriage over and send off the entire thing on fire to make it seem like we were jumped and killed" shinso said

izuku got shivers as he saw 6 dead men placed inside the carriage and a team of men flipped the carriage and lit up with fire

izuku stared at the burning carriage and was ushered by shinso to enter a royal carriage sent by todorki to make it easier to enter the main palace

once again they were on their way to the main palace, izuku looked back from where he was seated to see the flipped carriage engulfed in flames

izuku sat down properly and sighed

"there is no turning back now"



izuku got off the carriage and was met once again with the huge palace he missed so dearly

his boots made a soft noise as he walked down the beautifully polished white floor Shinso walked alongside izuku as well. "I have some what explained the situation to todoroki already but the rest is up to you" shinso sighed

they walked some more until they stopped at a familiar door

shinso looked at izuku and motioned for him to enter

"he's waiting" shinso smiled

"and you?" izuku asked trying the mask his excitement

"I'm going home" shinso dismissed izuku with a wave and turned back

izuku breathed deeply and smiled big as he opened the door

for a whole year he had not seen todoroki and for a whole year he had not felt any warm genuine hugs

izuku entered and was met with todoroki who was sleeping peacefully on the couch while sitting

" I am here my love"



word count: 949

word count: 949

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