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-chapter 24-


Izuku walked down the aisle elegantly, all eyes were on him

Everyone was memorized by his beauty and the elegant dress, Todoroki extended his arm for izuku to hold. They joined hands and looked forward to the priest

uraraka looked at izuku unsure on what she should do, She was definitely wasn't going to tell bakugo as she already knew what was going to go down, she looked at Na-Kyum who seemed troubled

the priest continued to talk and the rest only listened still shocked at their new Empresses beauty

"Now I announce you wife and husband" The priest announced, izuku and todoroki kissed and the nobles stood up clapping their hands

uraraka stood up with a sour taste in her mouth her attention still on Na-kyum who seemed lost in thought

"surprised no one is questioning how the empress looks exactly like izuku who was announced as the empress regardless if he was a man....Seems as long its a women they don't question anything" uraraka thought and she once again turned to look at Na-Kyum. "hope no one questions how this kid looks like the new empress"

izuku and todoroki left hand in hand to the outside balcony to see civilians cheering

"LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR!!! LONG LIVE THE EMPRESS" they chanted over and over

izuku waved and smiled along with todoroki who seemed happy

"the nobles are inside waiting for us to enter" Todoroki whispered in izuku's ear


as soon as they entered the royal banquet all the people there applauded izuku as well as todoroki

they bowed and congratulated izuku as the new empress

"please enjoy the party" izuku smiled greeting the guests

izuku couldn't walk properly walk with the huge wedding dress he was wearing so he was bound to bump into something or someone

and that's exactly what happened

"I'm sorry-" He began to apologize and his eyes widened at the person


"NA-KYUM" uraraka whispered yelled, she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw who the child was with. Uraraka bowed. "greetings to the moon of the empire" she said hastily

"My son bumped into you please forgive him" Uraraka said pulling Na-Kyum by the arm

"wait queen bakugo...I'll have a word with you" Izuku said smiling brightly

izuku lead her and the two kids to a private balcony

izuku smiled again but that smile dropped immediately when he faced her, izuku's eyes landed on little jaejin

he chuckled and turned to uraraka again. "seems like the royal life is treating you well"

"leave my son out of it deku" She said quietly

"haven't heard that name in a while" izuku giggled, his attention still on Jaejin who was suckling on his thumb, "he's really cute" he said caressing jaejin's cheek

uraraka yanked Jaejin away from izuku and gave him a glare

"mom?" a small voice said

both uraraka and izuku turned to see Na-Kyum

"is that really you mommy? izuku Midoriya right the one who loves swords and is a raven?"Na-kyum had small tears on either side of his small ruby eyes

izuku's eyes softened at the sight of his son, izuku crouched to meet Na-Kyum's level

he held out his hands with a soft smile, "I'm sorry Na-Kyum"

Na-kyum threw himself at izuku and began to sob, izuku ran his fingers through Na-Kyum's hair

uraraka balled her fist while looking at the two, she was about to leave before izuku stopped her

"if kacchan finds out, you know how things will go for you...right?" Izuku grinned while he held Na-Kyum as a baby again

"I'm not stupid enough to throw away my tittle" She said yanking Jaejin

izuku put Na-kyum down who was still drying his small tears

"Mommy...Are you coming back to the castle?" he asked

"I'm not honey...I'm the empress now and if your daddy finds out that I'm here he'll start war"

Na-Kyum nodded his head in understanding. "will I ever see you again?" he asked looking at izuku pleadingly

"convince your dad to let you study at the castle and we'll be able to spend more time together"

Na-kyum nodded his head and hugged izuku one last time, "bye bye" he said waving his little hand and ran to catch up to uraraka who was leaving the party

izuku let out a shaky breath and smiled. "he doesn't hate me"

izuku cleaned any tears and made his way back to todoroki


The party was still going up todoroki and izuku headed back to their bedroom

"I really hate parties" Todoroki sighed and chuckled, izuku laughed and nodded in agreement

todoroki turned his attention to izuku, "you're finally a todoroki"

they looked at each other with big smiles

"that's right I have a present for you" Todoroki said pulling out a huge sword, "I hope soon you'll join me as a raven soon and.......I'll not welcome any concubines or any queen"

izuku smiled hugging todoroki, "I was worried I would've had to share you"

(A/n: okay so in my version of the royalty The emperor can welcome a queen to help the empress as a supporter, basically the queen does things the empress can't do or fills in for the empress when they aren't present, The concubines support to expand the royalty blood line and the emperor can have a lover but a king like bakugo can only have one queen and isn't allowed lovers)

"I also have a surprise" izuku let out a shaky breath, "I-I'm pregnant with your child"

todoroki stood up, "really?" he said smiling

"yes" izuku smiled hugging todoroki

"I'm really excited!" todoroki said kissing izuku, "we must prepare the nursery at once"

(A/n: okay so todoroki knows men are able to get pregnant just that I reallyyyy didn't want to write out the conversation)



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