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Stuck between king's
-chapter 10-
-Last chapter of arc one-


"Be a future royal" as soon as I heard that my mind went blank

My head slowly and steadily turned to shoto who seemed quite pleased with himself

All of my classmates, and the rest of the crowd went silent at the words that had left shoto's mouth

I felt the blood in my body drain out of me, I tried to speak or say anything but nothing seemed to come out

The crowd bursted into cheers, and my classmates hesitantly clapped their hands but most seemed happy

I saw the many neighboring kings/queens upset and most were disgusted and many of them didn't even clap

My eyes drifted to a certain seat


I saw his face with indescribable emotions and it made my hairs stand up all over my body, my vision blurred slightly and any noise was just a blocked out ringing.

I felt my body fall and soon I closed my eyes without knowing what was happening.


Soon after Izuku fainted the crowd gasped

Many of the small neighboring kings/queens left out of rage and got out of their seats and basically stormed out their stands.

Katsuki decided to sit still a little longer as he was the second most powerful kingdom and didn't want to anger the new emperor yet...

He narrowed his eyes as he saw that they carried izuku's body out the stage and finally shoto was crowned as the new emperor

After the whole ordeal was finished the crowd never received a full explanation on the whole marrying a man thing

Katsuki slowly got out of his seat and with anger boiling he went inside his carriage alongside uraraka

She nervously clutched her long wand
(A/n~ I have no fucking idea what that big stick she carries around is called)

Her hands where wet with sweat and her witch hat wasn't helping with her nervousness, she played with her ruby ring and she felt her stomach drop with guilt, "oh gosh I'm so sorry Deku..."she said in her thoughts.

Her gaze was fixed on Katsuki who seemed to have a temper tantrum any minute, he was holding it all back

She still remembered what the knights said. "He needs to give up and understand he has lost...he'll just lead us all to our deaths" she could hear the fear in their voices

"Let me clear up something up for you....just know I'll marry you for public display" Katsuki said looking at uraraka with the most dead serious look

Her stomach dropped with horror...

"B-But you said y-you wouldn't" she swallowed her tears and continued to try not to stutter with every word she said.
"T-that you wouldn't treat Izuku like t-the other d-dekus"

Katsuki shot her a deadly glare

"Didn't you just see how the other neighboring kingdoms acted when they heard that Deku was being crowned the Empress!?, do you really think my parents will approve of me taking Deku as a queen" he said running a hand through his blonde locks of hair.

uraraka could see her tears blinding her vision

"You'll become queen whether you like it or not" Katsuki huffed

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