4- war

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Stuck between King's
-chapter 4-


After the short encounter, shoto took to his advantage to become izukus friend

the day they meet, shoto made his presence known to Izuku during lunch,He'd asked Izuku and his friends to let him join them for lunch

Izuku excitedly agreed along with the rest of his friends

After that day, shoto offered Izuku to walk him home after class

He'd eat lunch with Izuku very other day

Hang out in the library

And at times he'd ask izuku to be partners for class projects

Nobody saw this sudden friendly interaction nothing else as a simple friendship

But shoto thought other wise

He'd been interested in Izuku for the longest of time

It was a known fact amongst the students of 1A but nobody else thought it was more then friendship

But Izuku being himself, was completely oblivious to this

Many of the classmates where rooting for shoto, but many gave up hopes for Izuku to notice

Shoto showed small gestures of affection for Izuku but Izuku still didn't seem to take the hint

But one person did

And she wasn't very happy with it

Her eyes narrowed whenever she'd see how shoto touched and smiled softly around Izuku

For the longest time she had seen shoto be cold and glare at anyone but suddenly he was affectionate and very touchy around Izuku

She knew katsuki wouldn't like it


Uraraka ushered Iida and izuku to go get her a book that the two boys were talking about so she could 'read' it

This gave the chance to talk to Shoto by herself. She had a few things to say

Her eyes narrowed and she twirled her spoon around her fingers watching shoto eating

"Todoroki" she said softly

He lifted his head towards her

"I know what game your playing with Izuku and I suggest you stop" she hit him with a straight to the point hit

"I simply take interest in him" Shoto shrugged his shoulders innocently

"You know I call him Deku for a reason" she said while her eyes narrowed even more, "you know he belongs to someone yet you are planning to take someone's property"

"Property?...how low" Shoto grinned making uraraka shift uncomfortably in her seat


"You don't see him as a friend, the reason you are friends with him is because king katsuki ordered you to keep an eye on him" Shoto said taking a spoonful of his lunch while keeping his mocking gaze on uraraka

"You got it wrong, I-" She tried to speak but each sentence was cut off short

"I've heard just about enough, I know very well what the name Deku means, yet I don't plan to hand midoriya over to king katsuki, midoriya is better then that and deserves way more than that bastard"

He stood up with his tray of food

"I'll talk to you later Uraraka" he said sparing her a glare

She sat there dumbfounded

In some ways he was right and she felt guilty as fuck for it

She fiddled with her witch wand and felt her eyes burn a little

'I'm such a bad friend"

Her eyes glossed a little yet she had to get a job done


He stopped yet he didn't turn, he knew what she was going to say

"I have not choice but to report this with king Bakugo" she said clutching her wand making her knuckles turn red
"You are messing with someone's Deku, I will not bestow a curse on you since you are a royal, but I'll make sure king Bakugo is aware of your intentions!"

"Let's see what that bastard does, he calls midoriya his Deku yet midoriya isn't aware of it"

"Fair but all royals, even you, should know when a king bestows the name Deku to anyone, all royals should back off and commoners should be put into a curse at once"

"I'm waiting for king katsuki to make his move, do tell him that I'll make midoriya my future partner, and that his Deku will be crowned as a royal"

"You can't do that!" Uraraka was running out of options

"I'll be crowned Emperor in a few months, I'll accept any challenge"

He smirked and continued his way to Izuku who at the time was at the library

Ochako bit her lip

"This will definitely end in war...."


Word count:740

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

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