22~You'll regret it

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-chapter 22-



everyday for almost a month izuku awoke earlier then bakugo and their child. Ever since izuku arrived at the castle katsuki insisted that they and including their child sleep together

the mere thought of sharing bed with bakugo and Na-Kyum disgusted izuku but he couldn't reject the proposal, After all bakugo still believes izuku hasn't recovered his memories

every night izuku would be the last to sleep just so he can escape katsuki's grasp when he would least feel it, every night izuku slept on the furthest side of the bed where he couldn't feel bakugo's breath

"Your majesty are you feeling alright? Your face looks quite pale."shinso spoke up making Midoriya lose his train of thought

izuku slowly turned to meet shinso's gaze, izuku narrowed his eyes examining shinso

izuku returned his attention back to the book he was reading and spoke outloud in a somewhat hushed whisper. "what is someone like you doing here playing butler?"

shinso raised his eyebrows in amusement. "don't know what your talking about your majesty"

"your family house has quite strong knights...I was even thinking of applying as a knight in your family name before I decided to follow the path of ravens."izuku said not turning back to see shinso's shocked expression

shinso chuckled softly before making his way to a couch that sat opposite of izuku and lifted his legs up on the small tables in the center of the couches, he was already figured out but he was completely clam

"looks like you really didn't lose your memories, All for show to not become the empress?"shinso said slightly joking

but that was no joke for izuku

you really think I want to be here?

izuku looked at shinso with wild eyes, "who sent you?"

shinso grinned, "The emperor sent me"

izuku's eyes widened and for once in a long time izuku felt butterflies flutter inside his stomach, it brought izuku ease to know at least todoroki was looking for him

"do you know anything about my mother?"izuku asked shinso

"todoroki brought her to the castle but she refused saying she'd prefer waiting for her son at her home" shinso looked at izuku's happy face

"besides that...do you intend to stay here?"shinso asked ruining izukus excitement

"no...I hate it here, please tell todoroki to get me out of here as soon as possible"

"what about the kid?"shinso was curious about the kid

"let it die at the hands of that monster, it would be better if todoroki never finds about that mistake." izuku spoke with hate of his own child

shinso was shocked once again at izukus words

'geez he's faker then my own mother when greeting guests.' shinso chuckled at his own thought

"I'll be leaving to go to the main palace tomorrow...try convincing Bakugo on letting you go along with me."shinso stood up and fixed his shirt

"even if he lets me go he'll send some knight to accompany us" izuku sighed

"don't worry I've got that covered."shinso grinned leaving for izuku to be alone with his thoughts again

"I need to go see todoroki"



"Please let me accompany the butler to the main palace market" Izuku begged bakugo

bakugo said nothing other then furrow his eyebrow together

"I want to buy Na-Kyum a present from the market...something humble" izuku smiled softly looking down at his son crawling around their bedroom

katsuki still said noting other then strip from his shirt, izuku stared at bakugo getting impatient on his lack of response

izukus eyes lingered slowly at bakugo's muscled shape, of course the sight of bakugo disgusted izuku but every time izuku stared at the muscular body thoughts of bakugo penetrating izuku came to thought

He shook off the thought and tried to find some kind of excuse to leave the palace

"I know your wedding is on the day I'm asking to leave" izuku grinned before faking tears when bakugo turned around quickly

"izuku you have to understand that I'm doing this for you and our son" Bakugo sighed looking at izuku with pity

izuku did not give a flying fuck about bakugo's wedding in fact he was over filled with joy it gave him more of a reason to leave

but what didn't settle well with izuku was the fact that the future queen of the dragon was none other than his best friend from school

she was obviously aware that izuku had lost his "memories" but izuku had never felt more betrayed in his life

"I don't want to be present for the wedding that's why I want to leave...unless you want to see me cry during the ceremony" Izuku was using every guilt trip card he knew

bakugo sighed and nodded his head

"don't let anyone see your face especially the guards walking around...Okay?"Bakugo kneeled with both knees in front of izuku who was sitting

"I'll remember that" izuku smiled

yes yes... I'm leaving

izuku smiled

you'll regret treating me like this kacchan....




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