6- type of like?

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Stuck between King's
-chapter 6-


Todoroki sat beneath the tree

He sighed and had been thinking whether ochacco had been absent just to tell Katsuki about the daring challenge of stealing Izuku

But he didn't care, it sadden him that Deku already had his life planned out by someone who only wanted him for his body
It was how all deku's lived, the Kings or queens bestowed this name to their lovers besides the fact that they already had a partner

If Izuku  were to be taken to the kingdom dragon, izuku would only be there to fulfill the pleasures for katsuki even though katsuki would have a queen

And Izuku didn't need that type of future, shouto knew how much Izuku wanted to be a raven, and being a Deku to a king would only mean locked up in an room and won't be allowed outside

That's why shouto would make Izuku his future empress even though he was a man , he would let Izuku become a raven and be an empress at the same time

But first he would have to win his heart, shouto didn't want to take Izuku by force

He sighed deeply and waited for Izuku

Today would be the day shouto would ask Izuku out on a date


I looked at my sword and ran my fingers in the smooth blade

I still couldn't believe I was so close to becoming a raven

I would venture off into the world, win over land, and see beautiful sights

Just one more year I would tell myself

I will be just as great as All Might and with the help of his sword I would bring the empire of todoroki to greatness.

But I felt tired, of being worried over katsuki

I just don't understand our relationship, it's really hard to pin point exactly what we are

I know for a fact that we are past the friends and childhood friends boundaries

It's all too confusing that it makes my head hurt

I like katsuki but, it's that type of sexual attraction towards him I feel

I don't know about love, it's difficult to say I love him after what he did to me

how could I really love him after all that?

My thoughts only clouded themselves until I saw shouto asleep against a tree

Giggling I went up to him

I crouched down and meet him at his level

My heart was beating fast, I smiled at his handsome, peaceful, sleeping face

I looked at him with a smile, all the while feeling my cheeks heat up

Now what exactly is this type of like?


Word count:427

A/n~ Writing this chapter home alone, blasting clario's music all the while eating instant ramen and hot Cheetos is the typa way I'm trying to live forever

A/n~ Writing this chapter home alone, blasting clario's music all the while eating instant ramen and hot Cheetos is the typa way I'm trying to live forever

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