31~ he was stuck between kings

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-Chapter 31-



My feet are aching...And your back is pretty tired

"OH NO DEKU YOUR BLEEDING" the person behind izuku giggled

And set our grief aside

"why..." Izuku dropped to his knees, Felling the gushing of his own blood streaming down from behind and in front of him

"I could've had everything but you still had to be alive" They said removing their hood

Till old Satan stands impressed

and here it is, Our final night alive

"Uraraka" Izuku said with his voice laced in betrayal

Oh girl it's you....that I lie with as the atom bombs locks in

Oh it's you that I watch tv with

As the world....As the world caves in

"Really deku this is all your own doing...Your own death is all your fault" She said smiling. uraraka went back to having short hair and she had dark eye bags. Those once chocolate brown eyes seemed darker now along with that sweet innocent smile that wasn't genuine anymore

Izuku couldn't respond, He knew this was it. He knew this was the end. Once you enter a battle field in the middle of nowhere you should prepare to soak the ground with your blood

I pull your arms right in

I weep and say good night

while my organs pack it in

"Shoto..." izuku whispered

"he's probably dead now" Uraraka smiled

And as the earth runs to the ground

"No his Majesty is still alive!" And in one swift move Jolene swung her sword through Uraraka's neck

The witch's blood sprayed all over Jolene's face and dirtied izuku's green locks

As the atom bombs locks in

"Izuku!" Todoroki ran towards his husband who lied on the ground not moving

"Shoto....I love you" izuku smiled pitifully

"No you'll live!" Todoroki said looking at the sword pierced in and out of izuku."You won't leave our children right?"

izuku's eyebrows furrowed, Na-kyum...Monica...Dojin, Izuku's vision burred with tears and his thoughts clouded with his children's smiling faces

As the atom bomb locks in

"Yes it's you I welcome death with" Izuku cried singing the familiar hauntingly beautiful tune he listened to on his wedding with todoroki

"As the world caves in" Todoroki whispered holding his lover's hand tightly

Not to far from where todoroki was kneeling down. bakugo spotted todoroki defenseless

"I got you fucker..." Bakugo smirked, quickly he and his men ran to todoroki who still was kneeling down

"GO TO HELL BASTARD!" Bakugo yelled shoving his sword on the back of todoroki, slowly Todoroki fell right beside izuku

bakugo smiled as he saw his rival fall but that smile quickly fell as he saw the person who was the reason for this war in the same state as Todoroki was

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