19~With open arms

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Stuck between King's
-chapter 19-


Katsuki could see the fear in Izuku's eyes

"I-I'll carry you" katsuki said in quite the shock

He immediately ran while holding izuku who was struggling

Izuku couldn't say he was in exact pain but he felt uncomfortable

Inside the castle the maids rushed to call doctors and the queen rushed to izuku's side

Agonizing hours went by and izuku felt the pain increase

Every contraction he felt the more he got scared

"Don't worry...you are in good hands" the doctor said smiling

And more hours went by and the preparations for surgery began

Izuku felt his insides burn and his eyes began to water

He was nervous but he could see that katsuki was scared

"Maybe he's not the father?..."

Izuku drifted to darkness and awoke again to crying of a baby

"It's a-" A nurse exclaimed but Izuku couldn't hear the gender as it was too hard for him to hear

But Izuku felt relief wash over him, he thought neither him or his baby would make it

The screeching of the baby didn't stop as Izuku felt himself slip into unconsciousness

Before he fell asleep he saw katsuki staring at his child

Katsuki looked conflicted, Almost as if he was looking for some sign of resemblance

The last thing izuku heard was the yelling and the words that came after

"We're gonna lose him!"


Katsuki looked outside the balcony

His attention then turned to the sudden screeching of a baby

He looked down to the crib and saw a crying baby looking up at him

With exhausted eyes katsuki picked the newborn and began to rock him to sleep

These past few months katsuki wasn't able to catch a breath

He was tired and sad

After giving birth, izuku never woke up again.
It seemed like izuku never caught a break as well

The baby's ruby eyes fluttered shut slowly while looking up at katsuki

Izuku gave life to a baby boy, the child resembled izuku a lot and even the freckles where alined the same way as izuku's

But the bloodshot ruby eyes gave the baby away, katsuki knew Todoroki didn't have ruby eyes

The baby was obviously katsuki's and also the way the baby screeched resembled the same way katsuki yelled

Today the baby was 4 months, everyone insisted that izuku was dead

But katsuki still saw izuku breathe and that was enough evidence that izuku was still very much alive

Today he was leaving back to his castle as his people needed him back and his father could only do so Much

"Everything is ready your majesty" a maid said from outside

Katsuki didn't reply but instead got his coat and left the room

"Get the baby ready..." he said to the maid before he made his way to izuku's bedroom

The room was quiet and dark

Izuku Laid with a peaceful face and small breaths left his nose

"I-I'm leaving today and I have no choice but to leave you" katsuki said looking down at izuku's body

Katsuki let warm tears fall from his eyes. "I'm taking our child as well because he needs a parent...I-I'm sorry"

Katsuki knew it was his fault that Izuku couldn't see the light of day

"When you wake up....I'll be waiting for you...but please don't let our child grow without their mother..." katsuki felt guilt for their baby who maybe wouldn't meet the man that gave him life

"Please at least do it for him...or even for that half and half bastard but please don't leave us"

Katsuki wiped his tears and walked outside where the sleeping baby was waiting with the carriage

His heart ached for izuku but he was still a king and officially a father

"I'll await for you izuku...with open arms"



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