18-srubbing floors

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Stuck between King's
-chapter 18-


"Please show mercy my-" and just like that another life was lost

"Clean this mess up and hang his head outside the castle gates" Todoroki tossed his once white gloves to the ground, "his wife and daughters will be hanged"

"Yes Your majesty!"

Todoroki walked out the castle with a dark expression

"My Emperor...we've already killed off four kingdoms and this one makes it the 5th one, we just need Shinso's castle" momo said running to catch up with todoroki

"We'll go there right now" he said before mounting his horse

"Yes your majesty, but why shinso castle? They have no involvement with the disappearance of izuku" she asked genuinely confused

"He owes me a favor and I intend to use it now" with that Todoroki whipped his horse to go

After Todoroki grieved for months he decided that izuku was indeed dead

Once he got up on his feet, Todoroki and his close team began to investigate who could've have been involved in izuku's disappearance

Tiresomely, him and his team found 5 kingdoms to be behind izuku's murder, they planted spies and collected enough evidence to accuse these 5 kingdoms

Turns out that night after izuku was announced empress, each kingdom planted a talented murder who they sent out to kill izuku

Bakugo was never involved in anything as Todoroki found But that didn't mean Todoroki trusted him just yet

"What brings you here your majesty?" The queen asked before bowing(A/N~by queen I mean Hitoshi shinso's mommy:)

"May I have a word with your son my lady?" Todoroki said already itching to speak to shinso


"Heard you called for me queenie" shinso teased Todoroki without a proper introduction

Todoroki could only scoff at his new nickname given my shinso

"Look here lavender" Todoroki slightly chuckled at shinso's unimpressed face

"I need you to do me a favor" Todoroki got serious

"Tell me" shinso sat down opposite of Todoroki

"As you know my empress is dead and I've already found out who killed him but..." Todoroki paused to look at shinso who also carried a very serious expression

"There's someone you suspect?" Shinso guessed

"Correct, this person has no involvement with izuku's death but I can't trust them just yet...that's why you need to be a spy"

"Fuck...I have to work as a maid?" Shinso laughed hoping for it to be a joke

"Yes, you'll be given a new name and work under this mans castle as one of his employees"

"Who's the man?" Shinso already annoyed at the fact of him having to clean

"Katsuki bakugo, the king of dragons" the name sent shivers down shinso's spine

"You know what this man is capable of right? If I'm found out I'm dead meat" Shinso sighed running a hand through his lavender like hair

"You won't be, I will have a few of my knights also enter as workers in case anything goes wrong" he said seeing shinso's relieved face

"Alright but you owe me big time" Shinso said very mad at agreeing but he couldn't do anything as he owed Todoroki big time

"Of course, but you owe me this favor"

"Can't believe it took you 9 years to finally use the damn favor" Shinso laughed

"That damn ring you made me buy for your mom was really hard to get" Todoroki said recalling how many letters he had to send out

"I was only 8! I didn't think you'd actually do it" Shinso pointed his finger trying to defend himself

"You were crying and begging saying the ring was going to be a birthday present" Todoroki also Pointed his finger

Shinso sat back down defeated




Shinso sighed very deep and hard as he ate his last lavish breakfast before becoming a "peasant"

Bakugo had finally returned from his crazy long trip

Shinso was then sent word to immediately start working

"Bye mommy, I'm off to work" he joked

"Just leave" his mother scoffed at his lack of maturity

"If I die remember that ring I gave you when I was 8" 


Soon enough Shinso along with a man dressed as a normal civilian rode the carriage to bakugo's castle

"Remember to keep your distance from me, he might become suspicious from all the others coming in at the same time" Shinso advised the undercover knight

"Yes my lord"

Shinso looked out the window already imagining how he'd have to scrub floors.

Word count: 755

~~~~~~Word count: 755

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