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Stuck between King's
-chapter 9-


Katsuki ran a hand through his blonde locks and bit his lip out of frustration

It had been exactly 4 weeks since he last saw Izuku and it was driving him mad. And on top of that he had learned a soon-to-be Emperor was making Izuku a future royal

It disturbed him greatly that Shoto was making Izuku his

Katsuki knew he should give up since he knew he didn't really mean anything to Izuku, he obviously knew he wasn't oblivious to it he even noticed it when Izuku purposely disappeared for weeks just to avoid Katsuki

He should have stopped a long time ago yet he didn't, and now he just played himself and he couldn't stop
Because he knew he would have Izuku by force whether Izuku liked it or not Katsuki has fallen to deep in love with Izuku

To saw the least Katsuki didn't show it but he had gone insane and we all know when someone is jealous over love things tend to taking a disturbing turn

He flipped the table and yelled into the air,
His eyes filled with utter rage and hate for shoto and for Izuku as well

"I love him why can't he see that!?" He stumbled onto the ground and with both hands gripped his hair and continued his endless muttering over how he would kill shoto

Yes....he had gone mad over Izuku


(A/n~ time skip to 5 days later)

It had been exactly a week since summer had started for U.A. High school

And today was the big day when shoto would be crowned king and have his coronation

To say the least, everyone was ecstatic

Everyone had waited the day for a new and better emperor to rise up to the throne

"Shoto remember that I will allow such marriage since you managed to surpass me" Endeavor said quite proud of Shoto

"Shut up, I never asked for your permission in the first place" Shoto spoke while he fixed his red cape that draped over his shoulders

"Shoto I advise you be careful on what you say to me" Endeavor roared

"No...I advise you to be careful with the choice of words you choose..." he said fixing his white gloves, "Especially to the emperor"

With that he walked outside and the people cheered

"Long live the Emperor!" They all cheered

Endeavor still in the same spot frozen in place over what shoto had just said

"What have I done?" He whispered to himself, he knew if he kept this up he would be beheaded

All the lower kings and queens where present at the emperor's coronation and all the knights and training knights all where in a large formation all ready to now show their loyalty

Momo ,Iida , jiro, Tokoyami, mineta ,Asui ,Aoyama, and of course Midoriya would all me be swearing their oaths and loyalty to shoto todoroki the new emperor.
Once they all graduate, the following students would be knights all by shoto's side in times of war

One more year and all of them would explore the outside world and explore and each of them were excited

Katsuki being present caught sight of Izuku in knight armor and bowing down to shoto

It made him mad seeing Izuku give his uttermost loyalty to shoto

He furrowed his eyebrows as Izuku was brought up next to shoto

"This will be my partner as well" Shoto announced, everyone went silent including Izuku who had no idea this was what shoto intended

The crowd cheered and class 1A was confused and occhaco who stood next to katsuki could see the rage in his eyes

"Occhaco..." katsuki spoke loud enough for occhaco to hear

"Yes your majesty?" She said trembling knowing what katsuki intended to do

"Proceed with the plan" he said and all his knights and occhaco looked at him very scared and worried

"Man...are you sure?" A kirishima said also very worried with what was about to go down, "he was literally just announced as a future royal"

"Yeah man...it's far to late now" Denki said scratching his head

"I said...occhaco proceed as planned" he said his voice warning all of them to not test his patience

"Your majesty.....we will do so late night" Mina said her voice filled with fear

"Good" Katsuki said letting his back rest against his chair

Sero looked at his fellow knights and then looked up where occhaco stood next to Katsuki's chair

All of them looked back with utter regret of working for katsuki

Katsuki put his attention back to Izuku who now had fainted

"You'll regret rejecting me..." Katsuki said smirking


Word count: 785

A/n~ 11 more chapters to go and this book will be completed:(


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