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-chapter 29-



I still recall my wedding day or to be precise the first night

After my former best friend left the party early, Shoto took my wrist and we both escaped from the suffocating laughs of the nobles

"What are we going shoto?" I asked confused but I let him continue to take him wherever we were going

He stopped walking turning to smile at me. "Here" he showed me a large garden with beautiful roses surrounding a small white wooden gazebo. The gazebo was decorated with my favorite flowers and a few people playing a mesmerizing tune on their violin's

taking my hand he spun me, slowly we danced to the song being played

"Had this all planned out huh?" I giggled at his playful smirk. Shoto pulled me closer and whispered nothing but sweet things into my ear making me smile

"I promise you my everything" He whispered at last

Nothing beats more then me seeing him for the first time after being stabbed. How he took me into his arms crying softly and expressing how happy he was to see me again or how he smiled when Monica wrapped her tiny hand around this finger perhaps how he almost cried when hearing dojin say "Dada" as his first word

I've never felt sadness with him it was always smiles and laughs but why?

when I see him sitting on top of horse why do I feel such sadness, Why do I fell the sickeningly feeling of fearful butterflies in my stomach

His somewhat grown hair flowing in the wind and his sharp but cold eyes staring into the far distance makes me fearful of what he's about to witness

His large hands that so lovingly hold our children are about to used to do something else other then caressing

When I see him right this moment dressed in armor and his hair tied up I feel helpless

For one last time I fall to the ground in front of his horse begging for him to not go

"I promised you something remember?" He smiled. "I'll give you my everything"

I felt my heart stop, after he bid his goodbyes he got off his horse and kissed me

"I'll come back" He whispered

getting back up on his favorite white horse he tugged at it to start

And soon enough the horse began to walk and his men followed soon after

The air was heavy, All the villagers and nobles didn't mutter a word. For the first time both the poor and rich understood each other's worry and pain seeing their children being dragged away to war



I didn't stop crying long after Shoto left. I Knew I shouldn't as if Shoto had already died I was just sacred for him

I was scared for Na-Kyum as he might lose his father

"Mom please don't cry...dad will be okay" Monica sat beside me trying her best to comfort me

"Why didn't you go too mom?" Dojin said playing with his dagger near the window

"You guys need someone to be here with you guys" I sniffled and smiled softly

"But I've sent a letter to our Grandpa and he agreed to take over while dad and you went to war, He should be arriving in a few hours now" Monica explained

I didn't say anything as I was shocked, I guess they expected me to go since I'm a raven

"Are you guys really okay with me going?" I asked while letting the maids put my armor on for me. My twins pressured me to go if I really wanted to protect shoto

after the maids were done I put on a black cape that had a raven in the middle of it.

"You look so cool, It's weird to think that you actually have experience with wielding a sword" Monica said

"Have you ever actually fought with people before mom?" Dojin asked running his hand though my shiny armor

"Yes countless times. After your father and I married I went to help with a war and countless times my team was ambushed" I said remembering my early days

"So you have experience in the battle field already then!" My children smiled

"Then I must get going then...." I went outside where other men and women dressed in armor awaited for me with a horse

turning around I kissed my children

"If anything happens...I love you two so much and please if you see your older brother tell him the same thing..." I saw their little faces and smiled. "May sound dumb saying this but I'm so proud of you two"

"com'n mom you're talking as if your going to die....I know you'll come back" Monica said smiling



Izuku got on his horse turning back to see his children waving goodbye. Quickly he tried to catch up to todoroki

"don't tell the emperor anything when we get there" Izuku said to the knights who rode alongside izuku

"Yes your majesty" They said in sync. They stayed silent as the only noise filling their ears was the stomping of the horses

Izuku and his knights caught up pretty fast but to be safe they stayed in the middle of the formation as todoroki was in the front leading the others to the destination

The air was heavy with fear and anxiety. Izuku looked around to see many of the villagers looking scared

Izuku's attention went to the front of the formation where many of the noble's were surrounding Todoroki. Surprisingly enough izuku saw a certain lady beside todoroki

Lady Jolene Elias. Although she was known for her obsession with bakugo and her bratty like personality, Jolene was damn good wielding a sword along with serious battle experience.

Izuku continued to follow the flow of the knights with his horse trying hard to not get noticed by his green hair

Todoroki who was the head of the line continued to lead the way for a few hours

By then most of the people were tired and sweating with anxiety

Izuku was looking down while his horse led him but a abrupt stop from his horse made him look up

His emerald eyes went wide

They were all surrounded by fire. Men dressed in red armor came into view from the fire

Instinctively izuku gasped at the horrifying sight




A/n: almost done! Just 2-3 more😭

A/n: almost done! Just 2-3 more😭

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