8- far to late

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Stuck between King's
-chapter 8-

Occhaco sat on the overly fancy bed, she sighed deeply all the while feeling guilty

She has just "tattletaled" in shoto, she knew better then to go against a future emperor but her utmost loyalty belonged to katsuki who her family worked for generations

Laying down she felt tears swelling up

Yesterday when she told katsuki, Katsuki lost his shit and immediately blew up the throne room, his anger showed clearly yet he hid away his sadness

Anyone in that throne room knew the soon-to-be emperor shoto would probably win over katsuki and have Izuku

Katsuki himself knew he wouldn't have a chance to fight his rival after what he pulled on Izuku the last time they meet

Occhaco hiccuped and soon began to weep, the words that shoto had said to her has stuck to her for the past 3 days and it's all she thought about

"Your not a real friend" played over and over in her head like a broken record

She looked at her ruby ring on her right index finger, her ring was given to her by Izuku himself, she has jewelry and diamonds but the ruby ring was a priced possession proving her friendship with Izuku

And right now she was going against her friendship, she knew Izuku wouldn't like the life of a Deku but she trusted when katsuki said Izuku wouldn't be treated like most Dekus

She furrowed her eyebrows and took off the ruby ring

As of now she has one duty and that was to serve katsuki

Izuku blushed deeply as he went inside his home

"Welcome home baby!" His mother yelled smiling at him

He smiled brightly back at her, his mother ran a humble bakery shop and it always smelled like chocolate and croissants making it more welcoming

"I'm going up to wash up and I'll be down for dinner later" Izuku said waving goodbye to his mother

Once upstairs he took off his clothing and got into the bath, he slowly went lower into the water making sure only his head was out

He once again blushed at the events that had previously taken place

He giggled at the thought of Shoto sheepishly asking him if they could meet up on the weekend

"So your asking me out on a date?" Izuku giggled yet feeling butterflies in his stomach

"If I'm meeting up with someone I like and going out together on a weekend just the two of us it should count as a date" Izuku has to admit how damn sly shoto was

"Do you perhaps feel the same?" Shoto asked

"If my cheeks heat up and I always get that weird feeling of happiness in my chest and feel thousands of butterflies in my stomach I'm sure it should count as sharing similar feelings" Izuku said while shoto chuckled

Izuku once again felt his stomach swell with that familiar feeling of butterflies

He wasn't thinking when he confessed to shoto but he knew he shared the same feelings with shoto

Yet his mind kept lingering to katsuki

"We were just fucking, fucking isn't love" is what Izuku said loudly to himself

There wasn't any love to being with, that's how Izuku saw it as

To make things crueler, he never had real emotions towards katsuki as Izuku grew older when Izuku began to understand a bit more about dating,
And he and katsuki were only lustful, nothing more was more cruel was having feelings for someone yet they didn't share those feelings but instead they liked someone else

And katsuki was far to late...


Word count: 606


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