16-You're alive

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Stuck between kings
-chapter 16-


Without hesitation katsuki threw his luggage aside and went inside the carriage along with the queen

He could hardly contain his excitement that engulfed his body

After months of mourning for izuku, he finally felt alive again

But what made katsuki even more eager was being able to see his child growing inside the one person he loved the most

"I still can't believe it, izuku is going to have my child" he mumbled

"You seem quite confident that the child is indeed yours" Jasmine chuckled, "the boy has had dreams of not just only you but another man with red or white hair"

Katsuki froze for a second, he had forgotten all about Todoroki for a second

He forgot that todoroki was izuku's fiancée

Katsuki had forgotten that he no longer meant nothing to izuku

But a disturbing thought came to mind

"He lost his memories....and I found him first, I'll make him believe that he was my fiancée" his thoughts were evil and they grew clouded with his greed

"If the child is not mine, then I shall leave it for dead and take only izuku"

If only the queen could read minds, but she couldn't, she would be able to save izuku from horrible things that awaited him in the future


Izuku was outside the garden in a chair enjoying the beautiful view of flowers

He inhaled deeply the beautiful morning and buzzing of bees near his favorite rose bush

A maid by his side also enjoying the beautiful weather, she took a glance at izuku and then his huge stomach

She hummed to herself quietly, "that baby will be beautiful" her thought made her giggle, everyone knew that the baby would surely look like their mother

"More tea?" She offered him To which he softly declined

Izuku may have forgotten everything but he never once lost his determined personality and sense of enjoyment of life

"MY LORD, MY LORD" Izuku turned his head to the direction that his "name" was being called at

The head maid came running through the garden holding her dress that seemed to be weighing her down

"My lord...." the head maid huffed loudly as she tired catching her breath

"The queen is back! and she brought a high ranking king with her" the maid who stood beside Izuku gasped loudly

"M-my lord we must hurry and prepare for you to meet the king" they ushered Izuku back into the castle

Izuku was excited to meet another high rank noble other then the queen, he felt a slight shiver run down his spine but he brushed it off

Maids rushed and ran to get him ready, they tired to brighten up his beauty

"Mustn't we hide my stomach?" Izuku asked quite worried about scaring their guest

"There's no time for that my lord!" They said back


Katsuki had grown impatience as he waited for izuku to come down and greet him

"Why isn't he here?" He tired asking as politely as he could to the maid

She trembled slightly before answering, "t-the lord is preparing himself to meet you your majesty"

"Are you sure you wouldn't like to rest up in a spare bedroom your majesty?" The butler asked not wincing at the scowl katsuki had, "you traveled for hours until morning"

Katsuki ignored them, his mind and heart raced rapidly as he awaited izuku's arrival

"I'm terribly sorry for making you wait your majesty" a voice came from behind katsuki

Katsuki froze, his mind went blank as soon as he heard that beautiful sweet voice

He turned slowly and he could already feel tears brimming on the corner of his eyes

"The queen said she'll join us for dinner after she's rested" izuku smiled softly at katsuki

Katsuki's eyes immediately travelled down to izuku's stomach, his eyes rested on the huge stomach that may be carrying his child

"I-izuku..."katsuki muttered before getting closer to izuku

Katsuki began to cry before wrapping his large arms around izuku

Katsuki cried loudly as he finally held the very thing he needed

"I'm so glad your alive!" He exclaimed threw loud manly tears, "I knew you weren't dead"

"You have no idea how much I searched for you" he said, katsuki held izuku for dear life

"You're alive...."



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