28~Start Training

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-chapter 28-



The sudden visit from bakugo and his declaration of war had happened just four weeks ago. The main palace was thrown into chaos with the announcing letter that came shortly from bakugo after

Many of the nobles were surprised and outraged with the sudden declaration of war, The nobles had no choice but to pick sides with the Emperor or the second most influential kingdom. Letters of request of help to other kingdoms were sent

Todoroki had to quickly send out order for every noble to send out one son or daughter to prepare for war and every villager had to send their eldest child to serve

Izuku was confused and drowned with documents regarding the preparations, Todoroki was tired but he had no choice but to comply with bakugo who had every other right to demand for war

"shoto....Please this will leave devastation for everyone" Izuku cried to todoroki one night

"Izuku I can't afford to lose you, You can't possibly be sent to that abusive man" Todoroki said. "Regardless who wins we won't have contact with the Dragons again"

"But if he wins, I'll have to go back to his castle and loose all connection with you and our children" Izuku was scared

"But he won't win, Once we rule and take over again Bakugo will have no choice but to leave you again"

That's exactly what izuku was so scared of, if they indeed won izuku would never see Na-kyum again



"Looks like half the nobles have sided with bakugo" Todoroki said to izuku as they were in his office

"well our people are still loyal, They have sent their children to the palace already" izuku said sighing. "But....shoto are you really going to war?"

"I have no choice but to go" Todoroki tried explaining to izuku

"T-then I'll go to" Izuku said but his request was shut down by todoroki

"I can't afford having you get hurt, We need to have a royal here while the other is gone" He said holding izuku's shoulders. "we can't have two children alone here parentless hm?"

izuku decided to stay silent, he knew he couldn't bare the thought of todorki going to war by himself but izuku couldn't leave his two children alone either



For the last few months Todoroki lost sleep and weight trying to get everything ready for the war

Izuku cried himself to sleep every night knowing Todoroki was getting hurt over him

Bakugo hadn't been heard of in months by anyone, many have said that he was indeed going to win as he took the war more seriously and he had far to many supporters on his sides

Uraraka was kicked out of the castle by Na-kyum for revealing his mother's whereabouts while Jaejin continued to stay

Monica and dojin still had no idea what was going on other then that a war was going to go down

"We finally have a war date" Todoroki sighed running his hand through his already long hair

"W-when is it?" Izuku asked putting his papers down

"Next month" Todoroki looked at izuku who was shaking. Izuku began to sob making Todoroki get out of his seat to try and comfort izuku

Kissing his head Todoroki promised nothing would ever happen to him

"I'll come back alive...I promise" his words comforted him but that paranoia was still there



Bakugo's heart broke into millions of pieces at the sight of Na-kyum on his knees begging for him to call off the war

"Please father!...My mother will be devastated if anything happened to the Emperor" Na-kyum cried with tears falling from his Ruby eyes

"You've never meet Todoroki....You don't know what he's done" bakugo said keeping his composure

"Father please leave my him alone!DAMMIT LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Na-kyum yelled with his head in the floor as he was still on his knees

Bakugo stayed still sitting upon his throne, Na-kyum's words were all true but it wasn't enough to stop bakugo

Na-kyum huffed loudly, he wanted to protect his smaller half siblings from the pain of losing a parents as Na-kyum had lost bakugo as of now

Na-kyum had lost all respect for bakugo

"Go to that war and your good as dead to me" Na-kyum stood up from his knees and glared at bakugo

He left while closing the throne room with a thud

"Brother..."Na-kyum paused and turned to see Jaejin who flinched at the sight of Na-kyum's angry expression

"Out of my way" Na-kyum yelled leaving out of the castle

The only reason Na-kyum wasn't as explosive at Bakugo was because Na-kyum had a love for horses

Whenever he felt sad, angry, frustrated or just overall confused he'd mount his favorite horse and ride through the lands the castle owned

Bakugo stood up from his throne and began. "Wake the dragons up....they'll need to start training"




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