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Katsuki sighed, he rubbed his eyes and sat aback in his seat

His eyes hurt and they were sore from the lack of sleep he was getting

After izuku's death, Katsuki had drowned himself in work and never spoke a full sentence to uraraka since they got married

Every year on their wedding anniversary was also izuku's death anniversary. katsuki never celebrated anything other then Na-Kyums birthday

Katsuki never bated an eye at his second son jaejin, The entire castle knew they had to respect Na-kyum but the same couldn't be said about Uraraka and Jaejin

The door opened slightly and uraraka came in holding 2 year old jaejin

"katsuki...our son wants you to teach him how to wield a sword" she said demanding

"The kids to small and weak to hold even a wooden sword" Bakugo said turning a page from the document he was looking over

"But he wants to learn" Uraraka said

"ask kirishima to teach him then" bakugo replied

uraraka bit her lip, "You would stand up from your damn chair if it were that son of yours that was asking"

"don't cross the fucking line" Bakugo shot her a glare."Na-Kyum is the heir so I strongly suggest that your dirty mouth respects his name"

"why can't you for once show some favor to your real son Katsuki!?" Uraraka yelled

Bakugo stood up and loomed over uraraka and jaejin

"you and your son are no longer welcome in this office, LEAVE!!" bakugo yelled

jaejin began to sob and uraraka left slightly trembling

bakugo sat back down on his chair and no longer felt like doing any work, he sighed annoyed. He was aware of his favor for Na-kyum over jaejin, But he couldn't help it

his thoughts were interrupted by the door knocking and the person suddenly entering

Bakugo felt his anger subside as soon as he saw his son Na-Kyum run up to him and hug him

"Happy 24th birthday papa!!" Na-kyum squealed, bakugo laughed and hugged Na-kyum with a small peck to the cheek

"quite late aren't you?" Bakugo teased, Na-kyum shot his father a glare similar as izuku would've

"I was doing sword practice with mina!, and also because I was making you this!!"Na-kyum pulled out a wooden giraffe, "I made it out of wood with the dagger you gave me!"

Bakugo pet his son's head and smiled at how similar Na-Kyum's personality was to izuku's

"thank you Na-Kyum" bakugo said

"I also prepared us a picnic at the flower field you love so much!!" Na-kyum pulled bakugo's arm and lead him to a all to familiar flower field

there was a small basket and a red and white blanket laid on the ground that was surrounded by flowers

bakugo looked at Na-kyum enjoy the food and chatter about classes and swords

"I really like swords!, did mommy like swords?" Na-kyum asked

"he loved them with a passion" Bakugo said and saw Na-kyum's eyes shine

"I still remember mommy...he had a really pretty smile" Na-kyum said

"you have everything like your mom even the pretty smile but you have dragon eyes" Bakugo pointed at his red eyes. "like mine"

Na-kyum looked at bakugo and nodded his head in understanding

"are we really descendants of dragons?"

"yes we are, we are related to a dragons"

"papa...Do those dragon's exist?"

bakugo sighed and patted Na-kyum head, "since your next in line to the throne its only fair you know...Dragon's still exist but they are in deep slumber we only bring them out for wars because they like blood and violence"

Na-kyum looked at his father quietly

"Dragon's aren't toys Na-kyum, If a war were to break out you'd have to think long and hard about bringing out these dragons because they aren't tamable, Every next king have to take secret dragon practice in case a war breaks out the king always rides the dragon"

Na-kyum was in deep thought and began to mutter endlessly

"does mother and little brother jaejin know?"

"No they don't and won't know unless war breaks out" bakugo said

"papa why do you dislike little brother jaejin?" Na-Kyum asked, "if papa didn't like me I would be sad"

bakugo remained quiet

"I wanted to invite him but I knew papa wouldn't like it so I didn't" Na-kyum said

"next time I'll bring him over to your office so we can all go outside and play"

bakugo still stayed quiet but listened to his son

"his mom may seem like she takes care of him but she doesn't...That's why during sword break I go see him" Na-kyum remembered how jaejin would jump up and run over to him yelling big brother. "papa he may seem weak but he's really kind and gentle also everyyyy sensitive"

bakugo nodded his head. "alright how about we all play tomorrow"

Na-kyum smiled and thanked bakugo

"happy birthday old papa" Na-kyum said laughing along with bakugo




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