11- fast

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Stuck between King's


Shoto violently coughed up his food, he immediately grabbed the wine glass that was placed neatly beside his plate drinking it fast.

The guest who attend the party after the coronation of shoto looked at him with worry.

Discomfort visibly on shoto's face as he waved their worries with a hand of dismissal.

He stood up leaving the party and heading to his office where he spent most of his days other then school, he called for guards to check up on Izuku as he knew something was bugging him ever since he let Izuku go on his own.

Him choking on his food could simply be eating to fast without a sip of a drink but to shoto it meant a sign. Sounds stupid but it was like a gut feeling

Within a few minutes the guards came in with worry in their voices, "izuku Midoriya's mother said he never made it home"


The palace fell into utter chaos when izuku's mother announced Izuku never came home.

At first shoto kept cool and secretly with his knights looked for Izuku all night, but their efforts where fruitless.

When the sun rose they didn't hesitate to look in the forest but they spent hours looking and looking

They searched far and wide, all they found was a green button up vest and a huge puddle of blood along with what were once white gloves drenched in red.

Shoto himself found towel that were all soaked in blood near a lake miles away from where they found izuku's clothing. After that there was no lead.

Shoto immediately ordered everyone to find Izuku well and alive.

Growing impatient shoto stormed into a unfamiliar castle to him, the guards guarding the front didn't even flinch when shoto braved in without announcement.

"Been a while emperor" Katsuki mocked with a grin, "What brings you here in this nasty palace?"

"Cut the bullshit Katsuki",shoto snapped back. "Where is Izuku?"

Katsuki raised an eyebrow with amusement
"Already lost your queen?"

Shoto let out a frustrated sigh before taking out three bags, "is this vest familiar?"

Katsuki coughed when he saw a green vest with a large circle of blood in the stomach

"These gloves and vest belong to izuku, he found them a few miles away from the entrance of the forest and around the lake we found towels drenched in blood" shoto explained

"W-why are you telling me this, isn't this secret information to you?" Katsuki coughed seemingly also growing worried for Izuku

"I can't trust no one other then you at the moment" shoto admitted, "the other kingdoms might have some kind of involvement with his disappearance"

"Of course they were involved, their faces were all displeased with disgust" Katsuki said

"I need you help me make them talk" shoto said with a deadly expression.

"Oh I will, don't worry emperor" Katsuki grinned once again mocking shotos title

Shoto shot him a glare before heading out again.

Katsuki didn't have any fault in izuku's disappearance, he sent out his trusted knights to kidnap Izuku
But the knights where unsuccessful as Izuku never made it home.

"K-king Bakugo t-the vest l-looked like I-it" Ochaco stuttered tears from behind Katsuki throne seat

"Shut up" Katsuki said with a low growl, he only agreed to help since he very much loved Izuku and wouldn't sleep at night knowing something horrible happened to him


Shoto stomped inside his office where two knights stood and immediately kneeled when shoto entered

"What's the situation?" He asked

"So far we have suspected of 5 kingdoms to be involved" momo said

"We weren't allowed to question them since we needed the emperor there" jiro said,
"The vest had a huge circle in the middle of the stomach" she also added

"And there is a small opening, we tried different weapons and we found that Izuku was stabbed with a knife as it's the only thing that fit" momo said with a serious face

"From all the blood in the ground and towel it seems like he lost an alarmingly amount of blood" jiro said finishing momo's sentence

"Any leads with the towels?" Shoto asked with a hand to his head

"Obviously Izuku wouldn't be randomly carrying 4 towels with him, so someone found Izuku either dead or bleeding out and helped" momo said

"But their intentions are unclear, and we Searched every villagers home to see if any of them took Izuku to treat him but that came out unsuccessful" jiro said with tiredness visible in her voice

"Good job you two, keep doing what you two are best at" shoto said

"Yes Your majesty!" They yelled before leaving

No where to be found and the possibility of Izuku being severely hurt sinked deep into shotos heart.

They needed to find him and fast.

Word count:825

A/n~ I'm back:)

A/n~ I'm back:)

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