26~Late mother

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-chapter 26-


~5 years later~

"Mom....My dad is suspicious" Na-kyum said to izuku who was watering his flowers

"Why's that?" He asked putting his watering bucket down. "I haven't shown my face to the public since my wedding 5 years ago"

"He doesn't want me coming to the castle anymore, Thankfully step mother hasn't said anything" Na-kyum said walking alongside izuku

"Does he suspect of me?" Izuku asked

"He knows of your appearance...He wants to ask Emperor Todoroki for a formal dinner" Na-kyum said

"Well your father was never an idiot for sure, convince him that coming here is a bad idea"

Na-Kyum stayed quiet for a second deep in thought, He had grown up to a fine boy although he was only 9 it was clear he would make a great king one day. He was already getting tall and he resembled every part of izuku

"Mommy!" A little voice yelled. Both izuku and Na-kyum turned to see a little girl running towards them

"Big brother your here too!?"the little girl looked up at Na-kyum

"Yes I am" Na-kyum said crouching down trying to be at the same height as his little sister, "where is Dojin?"

5 years ago izuku had given birth to twins. But His daughter was born first, she was already named as the next emperor

"Heard you were named the next emperor Monica" Na-kyum said petting his sisters head. "Why not instead the Empress?"

"because being the emperor sounds cooler" Monica said smiling brightly, Unlike Na-kyum Monica didn't have any of izukus looks but she had his smile and determined personality

"Even if you were empress you'd still have higher authority" Na-kyum said smiling

"But I want the crown daddy has...Not the one mommy wears" She said smiling

"Well mom I have to get going now, I have private lessons with my father. Please say hello to dojin for me" Na-kyum stood up hugging izuku

"Yes of course, safe returns darling" Izuku said kissing Na-kyums forehead, Monica hugged his legs as a sign of biding farewell

Na-kyum turned and froze, "Jaejin w-what are you doing here?"

"Dad asked permission from the Emperor to let me sword practice here" Jaejin said also shocked at what he had just seen, "Greetings to the moon of the empire the empress" Jaejin said bowing down a little

izuku also had no idea what to say, It was only his second time meeting jaejin but he was shocked at how much he looked like bakugo

"You just called the Empress mom..." Jaejin looked at Na-kyum

"Lets go jaejin" Na-kyum said pulling Jaejin's arm

"mommy does he not know?" Monica said confused as she saw Na-kyum walking away with jaejin

"No honey he doesn't, He's Na-Kyum's half brother...Just like your dad jaejin doesn't know that Na-kyum is my son" Izuku was worried

Na-kyum's smart he'll know what to say


"Don't say anything to dad...What you saw today was never seen" Na-kyum said to jaejin inside the carriage

"B-But brother...you called the empress mom how can I not tell dad about the man he cries about when he's drunk?" Jaejin was lost in his racing thoughts

Na-kyum'a expression turned dark. "How do you think you got fathers favor jaejin?"

"Because of you brother" jaejin flinched and put his head down afraid of Na-kyums dark expression

"who protects you from your abusive mother?" Na-kyum asked

"You brother"

"let me ask you this one last question, Who has the power to change everything, the one that can leave you with nothing, who can make sure you never feel love again?" Na-kyum sat with crossed arms and his eyes looking down on at jaejin who's head hung lower

"You have all the power Brother" Jaejin said who didn't dare look at Na-kyum

"If you want to continue living the way you do I suggest you be careful on betraying the wrong person"

"yes brother I understand"


The door to bakugo's office was opened slowly


"Yes jaejin?" Bakugo asked still writing

"I got something to tell you"

I may be afraid of you brother, But I want to be feared like you and I want the power you have

I am doing wrong on betraying you but you don't have to know it was me, I have that useless women I call mother to frame

Yes...That's what I'll do

"what is it?"

"The empress is izuku Midoriya, Brother Na-kyums late mother"


A/n: Damn Jaejin is a snitchhhhhh


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