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We spent quite some time playing a few card games during the night, drinking beer and talking about everything that we possibly could. Surprisingly, Raye opened up more about her life and it was really sweet that she trusted me enough to share those personal details and I did my best to listen to her every word. She spoke of her parent's death and which one took a toll on her the worse and I couldn't help but notice how broken she was over it. The tough exterior she often portrayed was dismantled and she allowed me to see through her. Her eyes, the windows into her soul gave a shit load away as we chatted and my heart both swelled and ached for her.

It was a bit after one in the morning when we finally decided that it was time to go to bed. I had work and although I felt like staying up all night with Raye, I decided to retire to bed.

"If you need anything let me know alright, my door's always opened," she said as she stood, stretching her limbs. Her tank top rose a few inches higher revealing the smooth flesh of her toned stomach. The way the exposed skin caught my attention deplorable. The low cut of her shorts dipped lower showcasing further down from her stomach and I grew excited at what I laid eyes on— it was all taut muscle.

I rose my eyes to hers to find that she was aware that I was looking and instantly I felt ashamed and lowered my gaze. I thought she was going to address it but she didn't and I was relieved, it saved me a whole lot of explaining. What was I going to say? 'girl, you are fine! maybe.

"I'll see you when you wake up okay." She said.

"Of course," I smiled standing up to head over to my assigned bedroom which was opposite from hers. Walking away, I felt her grasp on my arm and I turned to face her. Slowly she pulled me into her embrace, putting an arm around my waist, holding me against her. Our bodies were touching and the heat that was given off of her incited mine to act a fool. Every major nerve involved in keeping me neutral when exposed to anything remotely sexual died the very instant Raye pulled me to her and now I stood in front of her, suddenly hot in a few places.

She kissed me again. All my thoughts and concentration were on not fainting or spoiling the moment. The kiss was deep, deeper than the one we first shared earlier and it caused so many emotions to reveal themselves. I was unable to hold them back. The way Raye held me up against her while her tongue danced on mine drove me wild. The way she teased my lips with hers convinced me that I died and rose again all because of her touche. To top it all off were the little moans she made. It drove me insane and the ongoing battle inside of me was looking quite unpromising.

"Damn," She whispered against my lips after she broke the kiss for a split second. She devoured them again and I lost it. I cupped her face with my palms and kissed her back with the same vigour, all while pressing myself into her. She hugged my waist tighter and I was overtaken by my concupiscence. I was enamoured of the way she kissed me, of the way she held me and the way she felt against me but still, somehow a part of me knew that I needed to end it despite it feeling so good. It was too soon for us to get caught up with the other in any way sexual and I knew Raye felt it too. So bringing myself to hint that it should end at nothing but the kiss, I slowed my pace as I kissed her back. Slowly until she did the same and moments after, our foreheads touched.

We didn't speak or move right away, but we stood there embracing the other until we were sure we wanted to move. "Good night Raye," I said when we stood only inches apart.

"Good night Brie," She replied, her voice husky with need and I ignored it, making my way to the room which was the hardest thing I had to do since I met Raye. My body screamed at me for doing it but my mind knew better.


I laid in bed painfully awake. I tossed and turned and turned and tossed until I grew weary yet sleep eluded me and I knew it was because my mind was fully awake, thinking about things it ought not too at the time. I wanted Raye and my mind made sure that it reminded me over and over about it. It reminded me how I could've gotten her if I didn't contemplate what it would look like doing it so soon and how it was my fault that I was laying all miserable now.

Maybe the reason Raye asked me to spend the night was that she wanted it to happen, but I was too much of a good girl to see it. Such an idea left me disgruntled with myself for ending what could've been the best night of my life.

It was frustrating after a while: I replayed the kisses, I felt aroused, I laid there trying to cool my body down, then I forget and replay the interaction but focusing on the feel of her strong arms around me. I replayed our kiss a million times in my head until I decided it was best if I got rid of the building tension. There was no other way, if not I was certain the next time I saw Raye I wouldn't be responsible for my actions and that scared me. Plus, I'd be able to sleep once I did it.

With the stillness of the night all around me, my hand travelled down my body. Creeping into my shorts, I started to touch myself. My eyes flutter shut when my mind drifted off, replaying that intense kiss I shared with Raye. It was a while since I allowed myself such release and although it wasn't the best place to do it, it was better than ruining a good thing I thought.

Before long I was almost at the peak of my climax. I tried desperately to keep my breathing and moans under control. It was embarrassing enough that I was masturbating in someone else's home but it would've been another level of embarrassing if I was heard doing it. I knew for sure I would never live through it, so I was quiet as possible, and I was almost there but at some point, while my eyes were shut my phone vibrated beside me and I was painfully distracted, throwing the rhythm I created off track.

Frustrated, I immediately stopped what I was doing and snatched my phone only to find a stream of unnecessary text messages from Mia. I was never angrier after reading her texts. Soon as I was done I threw my phone onto the nightstand and laid back down with a huff. It would be hard for me to continue now that I was irritated so I decided to focus on sleep and leave everything be. I was already up late enough as it was, and I had no intention of going to work late because I chose masturbation over sleep.

I forced myself to sleep until it came, but in my slumber, I dreamt of Raye. Even in my sleep, she called out to me and I couldn't do anything but go to her.

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