we fallow the transformers prime show with new twists. We meet Skyler as she meets the Autobots long before where the show begins. I do not own trasformers prime or it's characters. I only own my characters.
It's been a week since the wedding. Every morning Sky has woken up screaming in pain. Optimus was worried about her. There would be days were the Pain was so bad she couldn't even get out of bed. Rachet would check her progress every day. He said he pain was normal.
Today was one day Sky had to stay in bed. She was in so much pain that if she moved, it made it worse. Optimus brought her lunch. He and agent Fowler went to KO drive in to get it.
Sky had a hard time eating. "Sky, you have to eat" Optimus said when he entered their room. Even though Optimus didn't sleep, he used that room for other things. Sky tried to sit up. "ow" she whimpered. Optimus handed her the food. He sat down on the floor.
"Thank you love." Sky said as she started to eat. "Your welcome. And I'm sorry" he said. Sky was confused. "For what?" She asked. "For putting you though this. If we haven't gotten married, you wouldn't be in so much pain." Optimus said sadly. Sky smiled. "Optimus, don't be hard on yourself. Remember I wanted this. Besides, I've heard giving birth is more painful than this" sky said. Optimus was confused. "What does giving birth mean?" He asked. "Your mom never told you?" She asked. "I don't have a 'mom' what is that again." He asked. "How are Autobots um, how is a new life made on Cybertron?" Sky asked. "They are born by the allspark." Optimus said. "Oh... Okay" sky had to think on how to explain this.
"On Earth we don't have that. We have children." Sky Said. She basically had "the talk" with Optimus. After she finished Optimus was shocked. "I never realized this" he said. "It's okay honey. Ow" she said. "You alright?" Optimus asked. "I'm fine. It will be worth it in the end. I can tell" she said. Optimus smiled. He kissed her forhead gently. Optimus went back to the main room. "prime" agent Fowler's voice yelled. "yes agent Fowler?" Optimus said. "Any 'con activity?" He asked. "Not in a year agent Fowler." Optimus said. "Alright. Oh, how's Skyler?" He asked. "She's-" he was interrupted when sky let out a huge scream. Rachet went to check on her. "In a lot of Pain. Rachet says it's normal for her trasformation, some days are better than others" Optimus said. "Stay strong prime. She needs you now more then ever" Fowler said. Optimus nodded.
As the weeks went on Sky had to start having energon. The pain was still there but, it was starting to be manageable. Optimus noticed she was already getting taller. He wondered how tall she would end up.
Sky thought maybe now would be a good time to tell Optimus what she plans to name herself. She could still go by sky, but she had an idea for her vehicle.
Optimus came into the room to check on her. "How do you feel?" He asked. "Fine today. Can we talk." She asked. Optimus nodded and sat down on the floor. "I have a name picked once this is all over. I already know what kind of vehicle I want." She said. He looked at her. "How will you know it will work?" He asked. "Because I want to fly. I have a pilots license. I mean, my name is Sky, I've always wanted to fly." Sky said. "but what about your cybertronian name?" He asked. "Easy, Skywalker" sky said. "Skywalker. I like it. Is it okay if I start calling you that now?" He asked. "I don't mind." She said. "Okay, Skywalker, I will talk to agent Fowler about a plane or some kind of aircraft for you." Optimus said. , Thanks sweetie" Skywalker said.
The other bots loved that name. One day, Optimus went on a solo scout for energon. Bubblebee went to see Skywalker. He entered and buzzed. "Yes I'm here Bubblebee. Wait... I can understand you" Skywalker said. Bee buzzed happily. "I know. My cybertronian ears must have started working." Skywalker said. Bee buzzed. "You said 'if you can understand me what did I just say'" Skywalker said with a laugh. Bubblebee was happy. Then he buzzed again. "I'm fine. the pain isn't bad. But it still lingers" Skywalker said. Bubblebee buzzed. "Thanks bee." Skywalker said. She laid down and drifted off to sleep for a nap. Optimus came in the room a few hours later. Skywalker was just waking up. "Hello love" Optimus said. "Hey, how was the scout?" She asked. "Good. Got some energon that should last us alittle while, I hope" he said.
As time went on, sky was getting taller and was starting to look more Cybertronian. She did look gross when the skin was starting come off her now metal skeleton. But luckily that only lasted a week. Soon her body looked completely cybertronian. The only thing was her entire body was black. She wanted some color. Optimus said it might work once she got her vehicle mode. Agent Fowler had a aircraft made just for sky. When sky saw it, she was super excited. It was a good size plane but still looked like a jet.
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Skywalker scanned the airplane and trasformed. Her colors matched airplane she scanned. When she went back into bot mode, the white and red looked natural on her. That knight was the first anniversary of sky's and Optimus wedding. He took her to start training.
So there's what sky looks like in vehicle mode but I can't think of what her bot mode will look like. If anyone wants to draw what they think will look good that would be great. What ever one I like I'll put in a future chapter. Thanks