chapter 18

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Skywalker had noticed in the last few days that bumblebee had started acting weird. One night the kids were watching bumblebee and bulkhead play basketball by the way of cybertron. Miko was the ref. Skywalker was getting a check on the baby. "Your baby is growing strong sky." Rachet said. "Well, it's father is a prime" Skywalker said. "Yes. Have you and Optimus come up with names?" Rachet asked. "Yes, for a boy, Orion pax, for a girl, windblade" Skywalker said. "Your naming it after your husband if it's a boy?" Rachet asked. "I always loved the name Orion. He suggested the pax part." Skywalker said. They heard a whistle. "Personal foul" Miko yelled. "Dodge ball by way of cybertron" jack joked. "Bee, are you ok?" Raf asked. He buzzed.

I little bit later bumblebee was walking in a private area in the base when he just suddenly stopped. "Bee?" He turned to her. "Are you alright?" Skywalker asked. He started buzzing. "Bee, you need to tell rachet." Skywalker said. Bee buzzed again. "What do you mean you think Megatron is taking over your mind?" Bumblebee explained that the cortical psychic patch can be a two way link. Rachet forgot about it. "Bee. Please tell rachet at Least." Skywalker said. Bumblebee said he would.

The next morning bumblebee didn't make it to pick up Raf for school. Bumblebee crushed a cybertronian flashlight. "Bumblebee I needed that!" Rachet yelled. Bumblebee looked upset. "What has gotten into you?" Rachet asked. Bumblebee buzzed. Skywalker knew. "Your seeing Megatron's face?" Rachet said confused. Later that night he put bumblebee in a induced power down.

Rachet told Optimus what bumblebee explained to him. He thought this shut down would force his mind to rest. Agent Fowler came on the com. "Prime. Have you seen Decepticons wearing hula skirts?" Fowler asked. Skywalker couldn't help but laugh. "No Agent Fowler...why?" Optimus asked. Fowler told them that a space telescope was missing it's primary lens. The lens had a tracking device at it tracked it to the artic. Starscream planned on melting the artic to get to a energon deposit that is usually unmineable. Optimus told sky to stay in base. Skywalker agreed and stayed with Raf, rachet, and a unconscious bumblebee.

"Raf, I'm going to look for parts to replace this. You know what that mean" rachet said showing the flashlight. "Don't touch anything" Raf said. Rachet nodded. Raf was messing around with his laptop. "Raf, I am going to work on training." Skywalker said. "But your pregnant. What kind of training?" Raf asked. "targeting. Want to come watch?" Skywalker asked. "No thanks. I told bee I'd stay. He's like my family." Skywalker smiled. "I know what you mean. I saw you explaining it to rachet earlier." Skywalker said. "Yeah." Then bumblebee got up. "Bumblebee!" Raf and Skywalker yelled. He punched in something in the ground bridge. He went though it as rachet came running. "What did you do Raf?" Rachet asked panicked. "Nothing, he just got up and walked." Raf said. "I can verify that" Skywalker said. "He was in power down. Where does he think he's off too?" Rachet asked. "Let's check the ground bridge data" Skywalker said. They went to the data. "These are the coordinates that we faced Megatron's undead army" rachet said. "What would he want there?" Raf asked. "Let's go and find out" rachet said as he pulled the switch. "Sky, you stay here" rachet said. But bumblebee came back. "Bumblebee. What are you up to?" Rachet asked. Then they saw he has dark energon in his hands. Bumblebee punched rachet and almost Punched Skywalker. But he didn't when something made him go to Raf and made him put him up.

Bumblebee went though the ground bridge again. "Rachet, Skywalker, are you guys okay?" Raf asked. We're fine. The question is, is bumblebee." Rachet said. "did bumblebee not tell you that he thought that Megatron was taking over his mind." Skywalker asked. "No he didn't. But it makes since. The only one who knew about the the dark energon was Megatron." Rachet said. They looked at the coordinates. "He went to nearly the same place as Optimus and the others. Skywalker, Raf, you stay here." Rachet said. "No, bumblebee needs me." Raf said. "Of course he does" rachet said as Raf got on him. "I'll stay and operate the bridge" Skywalker said. Rachet nodded as he and Raf went though the bridge. Skywalker rubbed her big stomach. "I hope your daddy is okay" Skywalker mumbled. "Rachet, we need a bridge" Optimus said though the com. "Your not the only one" rachet said. Skywalker opened the bridge. The bots came through. "So, Megatron is back" Skywalker asked. "Yes." Optimus said. They checked bumblebee. "Everything is back to normal" rachet said. Bumblebee buzzed. "Well, normal for bumblebee" rachet added. Bumblebee and Raf talked. In the end bumblebee said thanks. Optimus came behind Skywalker. "We need to spend some time together before the baby comes." Optimus said. "I know. But I can't transform well anymore." Skywalker said. "Meet me in our room" he said and walked away. Skywalker knew what he wanted. She did too, so she went as the kids left. When she arrived, Optimus was already there. "I'm sorry if I've stressed you at all" Optimus said. "you haven't." Skywalker said. Optimus knelt down and kissed her stomach. "I can't wait until it comes." Optimus said. "I can't either." Skywalker said. Then they lied in bed together.

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