chapter 37

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Everyone was worried about smokescreen. They realized Alpha Tryon was the one who knocked out smokescreen inorder to put the Omega key inside of him. They knew they couldn't track him since the Decepticons had a cloaking device. Then, smokescreens signal went back online. "Smokescreen to base, j could really use a ground bridge." Smoke said over the comlink. They saw smokescreen was in a free fall. They opened a ground bridge under him.

Somehow smokescreen missed it. At first they thought they lost him from hitting the ground. Everyone was upset. "Smokescreen to base. I could still really use that ground bridge" smokescreen said quietly. They let him through and he had two Omega keys with him. "Wait, aren't there supposed to be four?" Skywalker asked. "This was the only other one in his vault." Smokescreen said. "Then three keys are accounted for." Optimus said. "Then maybe Megatron his hiding the other key somewhere" bulkhead said. "No, I don't think Megatron had the fourth key at all." Skywalker said. The computer beeped. "A high frequency signal, with an imbedded message, from starscream" rachet said. "I have something for you that has no use for me." Rachet read. "It's gotta be the Omega key" Arcee said. "Wait there's more. 'bring medical kit. I only ask for the surgical replacement of my tcog in return'" rachet said. "Like we are going to give starscream back his wings" bulkhead said. "We have to at least consider his offer. There's far to much at stake" Optimus said.

So they went to meet starscream. It was just rachet, bulkhead, Optimus and Skywalker. The others were back at base waiting for starscream to come though. They spotted starscream under a tree. "Starscream, show us the Omega key" Optimus said. They got closer and saw he was dead. "A tcog won't help him now." Rachet said. They were examining him. "That's strange, according to this starscream has been deceased for quite some time." Rachet said.

"How's that possible if he just sent us a message?" Bulkhead asked. "we have been deceived!" Optimus said. "Arcee close the ground bridge now!" Optimus said over the comlink. "Autobots, maintain your position!" Optimus said. "slow!" They heard behind them. They turned around and saw starscream and they pointed their guns at him. He chuckled nervously. "The red energon wore off didn't it" starscream said. "He has the Omega keys?" Skywalker said. They ran after him and he opened his own ground bridge and went through.

Optimus yelled. Skywalker had only seen him like this once before. "We'll get them back. There has to be something we can offer him" rachet said. "Cybertron fate is in Starscream's hands, whatever his intentions" Optimus said seriously. Skywalker hugged him. They went back to base. 

"What do you think starscream will do with them?" Skywalker asked. "He might give them to Megatron in order to go back to the Decepticons." Arcee said.

Soon, jack, Raf and, Miko came and they told them about going home to Cybertron. Miko was trying to convince bulkhead about bringing her. "Miko, Cybertron is no place where a human can live." Skywalker said. "Why didn't you tell us about the keys before?" Jack asked. "You probably didn't notice, but things were pretty hectic around here" Arcee said.

Then a high frequency signal came. It wasn't starscream, it was dreadwing. He wanted to meet. So they went to the coordinance he sent. As they arrived they wanted dreadwing to show them his hands. "I didn't come here to fight. But to bring you this" he said showing the forge of solas prime. Optimus removed his face shield. "Dreading, why?" Optimus asked. "the Decepticons had shown some disgrace. It's a cause I no longer want to be a part of" dreadwing said. "Then I appeal to you again, join the Autobots to stop them" Optimus said. "Just because I betrayed my kind, doesn't mean I accept yours." He said. He then flew away. They went back to base and admired the forge. Dreadwing confirmed that Megatron had the Omega keys and starscream was back with the cons.

"Let's hope Megatron doesn't distroy the Omega keys so no one can go home" bulkhead said. "I don't think he will, he may be evil, but I think he will use the keys for their purpose." Skywalker said. "I agree" Optimus said. "Then why not let Megatron do that? I mean why dose it matter who saves Megatron?" Bulkhead asked. "Because he will use it for his political gain" Optimus said. "Wait, you lost me" bulkhead said. "Basically he would be seen as Cybertron's savior and would declare Autobots national enemies." Arcee said. "But, they keys are useless to him without locating the Omega lock" Optimus said. "Omega lock? There are no more data base entries. This lock could be anywhere on Earth" rachet said. "Actually, it is on Cybertron." Optimus said. "How do you know?" Skywalker asked. "Alpha Tryon gave the location I'm the message in the star  saber. I must move quickly. With the forge, we now have means to get to Cybertron" Optimus said. He went to the ground bridge and got to work.

Soon there ground bridge, was a space bridge. They received a signal that another space bridge opened. They knew it was Megatron's. So they grabbed every relic they could. Sky even came. Being a flyer was helpful in this mission. Rachet opened the space bridge and they made it to cybertronin for the biggest battle that could end the war, for good.

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