chapter 41

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A few days later there wasn't any con activity. Ultra Magnus asked team prime why they weren't scouting another sector of the world. Arcee said they just finished the last few. Then bulkhead said it was to fill in the field logs per his intrusions.

Optimus returned from a scout and made kinda a dramatic landing. Everyone rushed to see him including skywalker and Orion. But Ulta magnus stayed where he was. "Decepticon activity is at a standstill, I fear that Megatron has found all he needs to..." He stopped and saw Ulta magnus alone. "Clone his army" he finished hesitantly. "Optimus, are you alright?" Skywalker asked. "I am. But is Ulta magnus?" Optimus asked. Sky looked at him and saw the confusion on his face. "Maybe you should talk to him" sky suggested. "I think you're right" he said.

Optimus went up to Ultra Magnus. "Ultra Magnus, something is troubling you" Optimus said. Ultra Magnus said he was worried his techniques were being Ignored. Optimus explained that the crew had become something greater than an army, but before Optimus could finish, they received an Energon signal. Since there energon was at an all time low they had to get it. They went to where the signal was. Skywalk we had Rachet watch Orion. She missed being in the field. When they arrived, the Deceptions had Wagons full of energon. Optimus told them to drop the energon. Of corse they fought back. After they all were taken care of, Optimus told the wreckers to go in the mine. "I always wanted to roll with the wreckers" smokescreen said Excitedly. Everyone looked at him funny. "Um, sir" he said straightening up. "Optimus I'll go too." Skywalker said. "Agreed, stealth team will take the entering back to base." Optimus said. Sky nodded and her, smokescreen, Wheeljack, bulkhead and Ultra Magnus went inside the mine. They found no other traces of energon. "Bulkhead and smokescreen take that path, me, Wheeljack and Skywalker will take the other" Ultra Magnus said. They agreed. "I have a feeling you want to talk to me Ultra Magnus" sky said. "Optimus belived there's something greater than an army, what could that be?" He asked. "Easy, it's... oh my word" sky said. They look and there were predicons in test tube like contraptions. They looked like experiments. Shockwave was there. He went to Release the predicons. He bridged to back to the ship while they came up with a way to kill the predicons. "Permission to blow a Grenade in a confined space?" Wheeljack asked. "Granted" Ultra Magnus said.

Wheeljack set the bomb and all three ran out as fast as they could. But the original predicon came and transformed. "What the" Skywalker said. He called himself Prediking. He saw the others were destroyed and yelled. "What have you done!" He attacked and he trapped everyone after a long fight. It didn't look like they we're going to make it. Ultra Magnus' had was stomped on. Skywalker was weak. Her optics were closing. "Just when I was starting to tolerate you" Wheeljack said. "It's been an honor solders" ultra Magnus said.

Out of nowhere Optimus came and saved them. He put Skywalker on his back. "Hold on my love" he put ultra Magnus under one arm and Wheeljack under the other. He quickly flew them out of there. Prediking was angry but he couldn't fallow Optimus.

Hours later Skywalker woke up. She tried to sit up. "Easy sky, rest you were hurt bad" Optimus said. "Optimus." Skywalker said weakly. "Sh, rest, I've got Orion. Rachet is taking care of ultra Magnus right now but I'll got let him know your awake." He said. Sky nodded slowly. He went to ultra Magnus and that's when he what is possibly greater than an army. "A human concept, one we've learned since coming here and since I became a father, family." Optimus said with a smile. "I should have something to make something like a hand, for now let me check on sky" rachet said.

He went to skywalker. Optimus came with Orion. "Do you remember what happened?" Rachet asked. Sky nodded. She was in a lot of pain. "Ok, good. Don't worry we will get you back on your feet." Ratchet said. "Thanks" she said weakly. "I thought I lost you" Optimus said. "I know, I'm sorry" Skywalker said. "It's ok, it's not your fault, what's important is that we stopped Megatron from finishing his predicon army." Optimus said. "That was Wheeljacks doing." "Skywalker said. "I know. I'm glad you're safe now. I can't imagine my life without you and Orion." Optimus said. "Rachet said you will be ready to go back on the field soon." Skywalker nodded. "Rest, love, I'll see you in the morning" Optimus said. She agreed and closed her optics.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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