chapter 32

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A few weeks later Bulkhead went on patrol and Skywalker went with him. They picked up a energon signal. Bulkhead told base they were going to check it out. Skywalker stayed close to bulkhead. They found a deep hole in the ground. They both transformed into bot mode. "Hm, no sign of activity" bulkhead said. They claimed down the whole. At the bottom of the whole they saw energon, but in Decepticon boxes. "Energon, boxed and ready for pickup?" Bulkhead asked. "That's odd" Skywalker said. They looked up and saw the war ship. Skywalker didn't have enough room to transform and get out. They both fell and went into power down.

About an hour or so later both Skywalker and bulkhead woke up. "Oh my head gasket" bulkhead said. "Mine too. You alright bulk?" Skywalker asked. "peachy. You?" He asked. "Fine. Where are we?" Skywalker asked. They looked down. "We are on the Decepticon warship" bulkhead said. He tried to com rachet but there was no response. "I could try to find help" Skywalker suggested. "No, we stick together. Besides, we don't want Megatron to see you on radar" bulkhead said. "Alright, since our com link isn't working, we will stay together and find a way out." Skywalker said. "Right. Let's be quick" bulkhead said. "We have to use stealth. Come on" Skywalker said. She knew they couldn't stand against the whole deception army. They went into the Hall.

"So, this is the warship" Skywalker whispered. "Yes. Shh" bulkhead said. They almost ran into a Decepticon but they weren't seen. Then they bumped into someone. They drew there guns and saw it was starscream. "Starscream?" Bulkhead and Skywalker said at the same time. "Why is it whenever I return here I find an Autobot roaming about?" He asked. "are you joining back with the cons?" Skywalker asked. "Oh please, no thanks. I have to take care of something." He said. "Scream, you have to show us the way out" bulkhead asked. "Sorry, too busy" he said.

"Please starscream, you know this place the best" Skywalker said. "Out of my way" he said. "Starscream, were begging" bulkhead said. "I may have given Arcee mercy when we last met. However, I will not do the same to you" he said. He scratched bulkhead but Skywalker got out of the way. Bulkhead got mad. He brought out his big wrecking ball like hand and punched starscream. Starscream sat up and showed his guns. Bulkhead went on top of him. "This is for Cliffjumper, for bumblebee, for everything" he yelled with each punch. Skywalker started thinking that wasn't the real starscream. Bulkhead got up and looked at his hands. "Okay, let's keep trying to get out of here" Skywalker said. They found a hiding place they could craw threw. They were crawling when they heard Megatron being called by another con. "Yes what is it?" Megatron asked. "Intruder" the other con said. "Autobot?" Megatron asked. "Starscream, he was last seen heading to the bridge" the other con asked. Skywalker and bulkhead kept crawling.

After some time they heard buzzing. "Insecticons" Skywalker said. Bulkhead nodded. They found the main ships power supply. "Well, one way or another, we are getting off this ship" bulkhead said. He brought out his wrecking ball hand again and jumped into the main power supply. The ship mad an emergency landing and that's when bulkhead and Skywalker got out. They quickly got back to base.

When they arrived they quickly transformed. "You guys will never believe the day me and Skywalker had" Bulkhead started. Then he saw arachnid in a stasis pod. "You too hu?" Skywalker said. Orion was reaching for his mommy in Optimus' arms. "Aww, come here Orion" Skywalker said taking her son. "He's been a good boy. He slept most of the day" Optimus said. "Don't worry, when we went to where arachnid was, rachet watched him" he added. "I figured" Skywalker said with a laugh. They told the others about the Decepticon warship being down.

The next day they decided to take down the Decepticons and end this war. Skywalker was excited. The war could finally end. But to do it, they had to use a weapon of mass destruction. The spark extracter. They came up with a plan.

As they were getting ready to leave, they saw a huge burst of dark energon coming from the coordinates of the Decepticon warship. They quickly went. Agent Fowler came to witness this huge battle. Rachet watched Orion. "We must draw their fire so bumblebee can set up the spark extracter" Optimus said. Everyone knew what they had to do. Skywalker went first. She flew to get their attention, then the other bots started fighting while bumblebee drove with the spark extracter. Bee transformed but the ship stopped bee by using some sort of stasis Cannon. Arcee tried but she met the same fate, then bulkhead tried, then Optimus. Skywalker was there only hope so she tried. She was met with the same. She could move, but she could see and hear. She was frozen in a standing position. The warship flew away without the spark extracter and without hitting agent Fowler. He contacted rachet and said the team was down.

Rachet came and got them all into the base. Little Orion was staring to craw and he crawled to his mommy and daddy. Rachet picked him up as he scanned them. The kids were worried. "Their alive, but I've never came across this type of stasis." Rachet said. They realized they could track the Decepticon warship. It's cloaking device wasn't on. Rachet tried calling Megatron and a weird voice tried said he was relieved Megatron of his duty. "Have you taken over the Decepticon warship?" Rachet asked. "I am the warship" it said. Rachet was shocked. Jack, Raf, Miko, and agent Fowler went to get some of the icon data base from the decorations. Orion looked at his frozen parents with tears.

Rachet knew Orion loved his parents. "Don't worry, they will hold you soon Orion" rachet said. "d-d-da-dad-daddy" Orion said. Rachet was shocked. Orion was looking at Optimus when he said it. "Oh Optimus, I hope you could hear that." Rachet said. Skywalker did. She couldn't cry but wanted to. Rachet brought Orion over to them to make sure they were okay. Rachet started telling Jack and the others how to get the dark energon our of the ship. They did and as soon as it did, the bots unfroze. Everyone had a headache. Skywalker went to her son and hugged him. Optimus did too. "We heard you son." Optimus said. Rachet got the kids out of the warship and was able to have 4 coordinance for icon relics. They would be able to get all 4 at once.

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