chapter 28

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A few days later the bots got a weird signal. Optimus and rachet decided to check it out on there own. Skywalker was tending to their son. They came back with a device called the spark extractor. They said bumblebee used his speed to get it form Megatron. It was a deception invention. Rachet and Optimus were examining the device when rachet found the source of the signal. It was an iacon location beacon.

Skywalker realized it had to do with when Optimus was Orion pax. The next day the bots including Skywalker were on a scout. Bumblebee buzzed about an signal. Bulkhead and Skywalker both picked up the same signal. Skywalker and bulkhead decided to rendezvous at the place. Bubblebee arrived first. As Skywalker was approaching, she saw bumblebee getting his t-cog removed by mech. She quickly went down to try to save him. "Backups ahead of schedule" Leland said. Bulkhead was almost there. Mach retreated and took bee's t-cog. Skywalker tried to fallow, but she couldn't leave bee unconscious without a t-cog.  Skywalker looked as they were leaving. Bulkhead asked what Happened and Skywalker told him it was Mech. They got bumblebee back to base.

"I saw mech take it. It just didn't land in time to save him. I'm sorry bee" Skywalker said. Bumblebee buzzed. "We'll get it back bee. I promise" Skywalker said. "And if we can't, rachet can just make you a new cog thing right?" Miko asked. Skywalker turned to her. Bumblebee got upset. "Miko, if it was that simple, rachet would have fixed bee's voice box by now" Skywalker said. Bumblebee buzzed saying how he doesn't have a voicebox, and no t-cog. He felt useless. "Don't say that bee. Your not useless" Raf said. Skywalker put her hand on bee's shoulder. "I guess mech has learned much about cybertronian biology" Skywalker said. "Indeed. They did a number on breakdown and almost gutted Arcee." Optimus said. Skywalker knew she had to tell Optimus now. She couldn't bear the thought of something happening when she could have prevented it. "I have a confession." Skywalker started. "What is it?" Bulkhead asked. Skywalker took a deep breath even though she didn't need it. "I.... I know Silas, personally I mean" Skywalker said. Optimus looked confused as did everyone else. "His real name is Leland Bishop. He... Well.... He was my boyfriend long before I met Optimus. I was told he was killed in the line of duty." Skywalker admitted. "Why didn't you say something about it earlier?" Optimus asked. "I was afraid. I had no idea he was Alive until that day we kept the D.N.G.S away from him." Skywalker said sadly. Optimus hugged her. "we will stop him. I promise" Optimus said.

"I haven't told Fowler his real name, but I did tell him I know him" Skywalker said. "It's alright, I understand." Optimus said. Since bumblebee couldn't take Raf to school, bulkhead took him and Miko. Bulkhead ended up on patrol so rachet decided to pick up the kids. "No rachet, I'll go. It might be cool being picked up by a plane." Skywalker said. Optimus was doing other things. Rachet agreed. He watched baby Orion while Skywalker picked up the kids.

When she landed, the kids looked jealous that Raf was being picked up by a air plane. "Where are the others?" Skywalker asked. "Jack's at work and Miko has detention, again." Raf said. "I see. Well, you and I can have some fun" Skywalker said. "no thanks" Raf said. Sky knew he was upset about bee. "Skywalker, I doubt you know but, do you know what happened to bumblebee's voicebox?" Raf asked. "Actually I do. It happened at tiger pax on cybertron. Bumblebee was interrogated but refused to provide Intel. Megatron ripped out his voicebox. Bumblebee was left for scrap until other Autobots found him and took him to a field medic where he was able to stabilize his condition" Skywalker said. "then we owe bee's life to that field medic." Raf said. "Yes we do. But, he feels he could have done better. He's still upset he couldn't save bee's voice" Skywalker said. "I'm guessing you never heard his real voice." Raf asked. "No, in fact, when I was human, I couldn't understand him. Your the only human who can." Skywalker said. "So your cybertronian ears allow you to understand him now?" Raf asked. "yes. But don't think becoming a Autobot is easy. I went through a whole year of pain. Not as painful as having my son, but still very painful. It was hard on me and Optimus that first year" Skywalker said.

They got back to base. "Skywalker, you said that your transformation from human to Autobot was painful. How where you able to become a bot?" Raf asked. "well, that was my marriage to Optimus. My transformation started the moment we got married. But I didn't feel it until hours later. It was a long and painful year. Especially during the beginning" Skywalker said. "I see." Raf said. Bulkhead came back. They received another icon signal so bulkhead decided to check it out. Bumblebee wanted to go to. Bulkhead tried to talk him out of it. Skywalker decided not to go since rachet went out. She had to take care of her son.

When bulkhead and bumblebee came back, bee was unconscious. Turned out, they did indeed see Decepticons. Bumblebee ended up falling off the cliff. Optimus said not to pass blame. But he told bee that he will be confined to the base until they would find his t-cog. Raf felt bad for him. Optimus walked away. "Bumblebee has every right to be less then hopeful about his t-cog." Rachet said. "We will find it rachet" Optimus said. "You and I both know there's another way out of his predicament." Rachet said. Skywalker walked up. "What's that?" Skywalker asked. "a transplant, but that would require a donor" Optimus said. Skywalker knew she couldn't. "You need not to look further than the Autobot that stands before you" rachet said. Optimus and Skywalker looked shocked. "It's a kind gentler my old friend. But that would trade one Autobots handicap for another." Optimus said. Rachet argued that he didn't need his t-cog like bumblebee needs his. He was worried that if they got bumblebee's t-cog, he wouldn't be able to repair it like rachet wasn't able save bumblebee's voice box. "rachet, you did everything you could" Optimus said. "oh please, you think this has to do with the fact I couldn't fix his voicebox?" Rachet asked. Optimus was silent. "I just want to do what's right... For the team" rachet said. Optimus finally agreed.

A few hours later rachet was ready to give the transplant. Skywalker didn't want to do the surgery since she didn't even know where the t-cog was located. "Obviously since I'm the other patient, I am unable to perform the surgery. One of you must act as my proxy." Rachet said. He went up to bulkhead. "No, better at breaking things" rachet said. "phew" bulkhead said. He went up to Arcee. "Arcee" rachet said. Arcee looked nervous. "Optimus has steadier hands" Arcee said. "Steady, but much to large to be poking around under my hood." Rachet said. Arcee sighed. Jack encouraged her. "alright rachet, you ready?" Arcee asked. "Yes" he said. "Inducing stasis." Arcee said. Bumblebee buzzed. "Yep dep, you can thank me..... When it's over" rachet said as he went into stasis. "Okay bee. Your turn" Arcee said. But then a icon beacon went off. They interrupted. Stasis and went out. Since bumblebee was there, Skywalker went with them. They fallowed the signal to a mountain. When they reached the top of the mountain, they saw breakdown and knockout chipping away at something. Sky decided to climb in case there was a plan. "You mean to tell me that I've been chipping away at this with my Hammer? Just to bring Megatron another hammer?" Breakdown asked. "That hammer is a relic of the primes." Optimus said. "whoa really?" Sky asked. "yes, and none is greater than this. The forge of Solus prime" Optimus said. "It had the ability to make anything out of raw material" Optimus added. "whoa, you mean with it we can dream up of Any weapon imaginable." Bulkhead asked. "or.. possibly create a new t-cog for bumblebee" Optimus said. Skywalker smiled. "Well, I think I know the plan. I'll go high" Skywalker said. Optimus nodded. Skywalker let go of the cliff and as she fell she transformed into her jet mode. She flew high and started shooting the Decepticons. Knockout activated a shield. Megatron arrived and got the forge. He thanked Optimus for it was a continuation of Orion pax. Skywalker knew what he met. "Optimus, we've uncovered mech's base. Bumblebee is already there" rachet said over the comlink. Optimus called for a ground bridge.

They quickly went to the location. Optimus was worried and so was sky. Bumblebee came out of the garage like building with a damaged t-cog. "rachet, reopen the ground bridge. And prepare for surgery" Optimus said. They got back to base and rachet worked hard to fix bumblebee's t-cog. He then put it back into bumblebee. "I did what I could do" rachet said. Bumblebee came out of stasis after the surgery. He felt wobbly at first. "Take it easy bee." Skywalker said. Bumblebee started flexing is muscles. "please bee, recovery takes time" rachet said. Bumblebee tried to transform. No luck. "The damage, was quite severe." Rachet said. Bumblebee tried again. Nothing. He got frustrated and tried again, and it worked. He turned back into his vehicle mode. Bumblebee buzzed happily and asked Raf to go with him and asked him where he wanted to go. "Ha anywhere" Raf said. He got in and buckled up and said "just drive". Bumblebee sped off. "Be careful, and use standard breakvin procedure" rachet said. "woah, bee's t-cog looked like it was ready for the scrab yard." Bulkhead said. "hard to believe rachet was able to repair it." Arcee said. "That's not the only thing rachet repaired today" Optimus said.

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