chapter 40

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The next day, agent Fowler came with a new vehicle for Optimus. It was prototype but it was big enough for Optimus' new size.  Optimus thanked agent Fowler and he scanned it. Soon they got word of con activity so Optimus went to check it out. They were hoping it would be an energon mine.

While he was gone, rachet was working on a new ground bridge. They sent ultra Magnus and Wheeljack to the old base. Raf confirmed that the bridge was stable. Ultra Magnus came though with an energon box that was empty. He said that was all they could find. Ultra Magnus' vehicle mode was a semi truck like Optimus used to have. Wheeljack came through and threw the big lob ball and hit bulkhead's chest. It bounced off him and almost hit Jack and Miko. It did hit agent Fowler's office.

Ultra Magnus asked Wheeljack what he was thinking. Wheeljack said he thought bulkhead would catch it. They kinda got an argument. Wheeljack said that if his ship wasn't a Trainwreck right now, he would leave.

Skywalker was playing with Orion. Ultra Magnus came up to her. "Didn't Optimus give you orders to keep an eye on your son? Why are you playing with this mini con?" Ultra Magnus asked. "Because this 'mini con' you keep calling, is my son. This is how I keep an eye on him. He May be small now, but he'll grow" Skywalker said not looking at him.  Ultra Magnus was confused. "It's a long story ultra Magnus. Optimus should be back soon." Skywalker said. Soon Optimus called for a ground bridge.

He came through carrying something. "Optimus, did you find an energon mine?" Rachet asked. "No, however I did uncover this" he said setting down a skull. "what is it?" Skywalker asked. "the ancient remains of a predacon" Optimus said. "What's a predacon?" Skywalker asked. "I would think you would know" ultra Magnus said. "Ultra Magnus, she doesn't because she wasn't born on cybertronian. She used to be human" Optimus said sternly. Ultra Magnus looked confused. "How is that even possible?" He asked. "it's a long story." Optimus said.

They got back to talking about the predacon. It turned out the dragon they faught, was a predacon.  They looked at historical texts about predacons. "Those are metal versions of our Greek mythology and folklore" jack said. "Ancient humans must have saw them not knowing what they are, showing once again that cybertron and earth are connected." Optimus said. Skywalker was impressed. Optimus noticed that rachet was working on synthetic energon. There energon reserves were at an all time low.

They started tracking decepticon activity. They ended up in Scotland. He told the Autobots not to forget their kilt's. Sky laughed. Ultra Magnus and the wreckers were going there. Ultra Magnus asked what a kilt was. "Agent Fowler can sometimes be obsolete. It's usually best to nod and mobilize" Optimus said. Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack and bulkhead left in ultra Magnus' ship.  There was also some con activity near a oil plant. Optimus went with bumblebee and smokescreen. Arcee and Skywalker stayed behind.

Skywalker was helping Orion walk. His birthday was coming up.  But with Everything going on, they didn't know if they would celebrate it. She went to rachet who was still working on the formula.

After some time, there was a ground bridge request from Scotland. Raf opened the bridge and Wheeljack came through. "Wheeljack? Where are the others?" Arcee asked. "They are having a neffty time taking the long way, Miko included." Wheeljack said. "I was wondering what was taking so long with those sodas." Raf commented. "I didn't even notice she was gone" Skywalker said.

Agent Fowler came out and said there was more con activity in Mexico. The only available assets were Arcee, Wheeljack and Arcee since rachet was still working on synthetic energon. A couple hours later June came by. She thanked agent Fowler for donating medical supplies to the hospital, yet jack has forgotten to bring them home.  Agent Fowler said to call him Willam.

An hour or so later Raf was on the computer as always.  But he said he found a predacon bone in a museum. It was in storage since scientist were totally stamped when they excavated it. They were out of bots other than rachet and Skywalker. But agent Fowler and June decided to go. Jack gave a lot of argument. Finally they just went.

After a while jack started getting worried. He thought they went to dinner. "Isn't that what adults do when there dating?" Raf asked. "Its what adults do when there hungry." Jack said defensively. Skywalker laughed. But she was concerned. Jack called his mom and it went straight to voicemail. Agent fowler did the same. "Maybe they went to see a movie" Raf said still typing on this computer. Skywalker was really concerned by this point. She asked rachet to watch orion. Sky and jack went to.thw museum and found agent fowler's phone smashed.

Jack called Arcee. Arcee and Wheeljack got to them as quickly they could. They found knockout. He was going after another prediction bone. June and fowler were In the back. Sky, Arcee, and Wheeljack found knockout going after a train. Knockout transformed, making june and agent fowler fall out of him. Then a ground bridge opened and knockout went through. Some Decepticons came and fought Wheeljack and Arcee but they were no match. Everyone returned to base. Orion was in Optimus' arms when they got back and he reached for skywalker when he saw her. "Aww who's my big boy?" Sky asked cutely. He giggled. "Daddy?" Orion asked. "Yes son?" Optimus said. "Can you tell me a story?" Orion asked. Optimus smiled. They went to where orion slept. "What story would you like to hear?" Optimus asked. "The story on how you met mommy" he said. "Once upon a time there was an lonely autobot who landed on a small farm. There was a human that was scared but she helped us get disguises..."

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