chapter 25

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Over the next several hours, Optimus was looking at different parts of the world. Unicron was trying to destroy Optimus with a manifestation of himself. At first Optimus wanted to do it alone. The others convinced him to let them help. Skywalker still was at base taking care of her son.

A little while into the fighting, they were told that Megatron just saved Optimus' life. Megatron started to talk about defeating Unicron together. Bulkhead asked why he came to them. "Because you have something I currently don't possess in my army. The power of a prime." Megatron said. Skywalker knew what they meant.

"How do we stop him" bulkhead asked. "With the matrix of leadership" Optimus said. "Do we have time for a scavenger hunt? Where is Optimus supposed to find this matrix?" Jack asked. "He doesn't need to find it. He carries it within him" Skywalker said. Megatron said he was the only one who could lead him to Unicron's very spark. Magatron fought more manifestations while the others came back to base.

Everyone was arguing about letting Megatron in the base. Skywalker was holding Orion. She got tired of the arguing. "Listen, Megatron will only linger long enough to provide where to go. He will be closely monitored." Skywalker said. "She's right. I know he hurt Raf, but this needs to be done" Optimus said. Everyone finally agreed. Optimus contacted Megatron. They sent the kids away while they opened the ground bridge for him.

Miko complained because she had never seen him. Megatron came in. "So this is where the magic happens" Megatron said. Bumblebee, bulkhead and Arcee had there guns drawn Making sure he didn't pull anything.

Raf came running up mad. "Raf!" Skywalker said. "Ah, your looking much better than the last time we met little one" Megatron said. "Come on Raf, he isn't Worth it" jack said. "And you. I never forget a face, especially one of a human." Megatron said to jack. Jack turned around. The. Just walked away. "You double cross anyone, mine is the face you won't forget! Never!" Miko yelled as agent Fowler pulled her back. "I will be right back" Optimus said to sky. He walked away and asked jack to hold something for him.

He told jack it was the key to the ground bridge power supply. But it was really the key to vector sigma. When sky saw Optimus handing him that, she didn't know what it really was. Optimus had never told her about it.

Soon Megatron finished giving rachet the coordinates. Arcee told Megatron to go in first. Optimus went last. Before he left he looked back at everyone including Skywalker holding Orion. He smiled at them. "Be careful Optimus prime" Skywalker said. She didn't call him that very often. But when she did, it was when. She was really scared for him. "I will, Skyler" Optimus said. When Optimus would use her old name, he was saying he was scared too. They went though the ground bridge.

Skywalker went to her room and put Orion down for his nap. She was very worried about Optimus. She knew there were two outcomes. The first was him actually dieing from releasing the energy into the core. The second was him losing his memory. Skywalker knew both outcomes. She knew either way, she will either never see optm again, or, he won't remember her when they do see each other again. Skywalker lied down and cried. She just hoped she would see her husband again, even, if she didn't remember her.

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