chapter 38

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The Autobots knew they had the element of surprise since Megatron thought they didn't have a ground bridge. Before they left, Optimus was able to fix his star saber. They saw the Decepticons heading where the Omega lock was with 4 different Decepticons holding the keys. Smokescreen used his phase shifter to appear behind the decorations and shoot them. Megatron was obviously confused. When he saw smokescreen, he said that was impossible. Then, bumblebee used the gauntlet to lift some rubble to crush some of the Decepticons.

Bumblebee went down to fight. Then, bulkhead used the immobilizer on a few Decepticons. Arcee joined the other two and put on the apex armor. Smokescreen appeared under them, and Skywalker flew above them to shoot from the sky. They two sides ran twords each other. Optimus and Megatron were fighting sense Megatron had his saber and Optimus had his again.

They used the relics to eventually get the Omega keys back. They all drove off. Megatron was about to fallow, but, smokescreen reappeared and activated the spark extractor. Then he rendezvous with the others. Sky stayed close to make sure everything was alright. Then they reached the coordinance. The lock didn't look like much. But, then it transformed. Megatron appeared before they were able to put the keys in.

A space bridge opened and knockout, starscream, and soundwave appeared with Jack, Raf and Miko. Optimus couldn't risk there human allies. The dug his sword into the ground and backed up to join the others. Everyone threw there relics to the ground. "One at a time you will hand over the Omega keys and then you can have them back." Megatron said. First, bulkhead went with his key to get Miko from starscream. Then bumblebee went with his key and got Raf. "If this boy was important enough to come to cybertron, then he is worth two keys" Megatron said. So Arcee and smokescreen went and handed over the keys and got jack back. Then more Decepticons came and surrounded the Autobots.

Megatron, starscream, knockout and soundwave activated the Omega lock. They were able to restore a building. It looked nice and shiny. "Megatron, you have what you want. Let me return the humans to earth." Optimus said. "Of I wouldn't recommend that. The humans will be much safer here" Megatron said. "Why rule one world, when I can rule two" a space bridge opened above the Omega lock. "The lock restores cybertron, wouldn't do the same to earth?" Miko asked. "No, it would create cyber matter, destroying life." Optimus said. Skywalker was shocked. Megatron was going on about what to name the new earth. Skywalker couldn't think. Then, Optimus grabbed his star saber and cut off one of Megatron's arms. Then, he destroyed the Omega lock. He had rachet open the space bridge. When they arrived, rachet was shocked to see the kids. Skywalker went to her son. He was happy to see his mommy. "What happened? Someone say something" rachet said. "Optimus, destroyed the Omega" bulkhead said. Rachet went on a rampage. He was upset that there hard work was for nothing. Everyone tried to calm him down. "Prime, I need to know what we're dealing with!" Fowler said over the com. "What are you referring to agent Fowler?" Optimus asked. "maybe you should step outside" Fowler said. "Rachet, watch the children, including Orion." Optimus said. They all went to the roof. They saw a huge building that looked cybertronian. "What is that?" Skywalker asked. "Megatron was able to construct his first phase to cyber-forming earth. By building his fortress" Optimus said. Fowler had landed by them. "In Jasper Nevada, I don't get it. Why here?" Agent Fowler asked. They saw the Decepticons warship. "Because the Decepticons have discovered the location of our base." Optimus said. "This is bad" Skywalker said. Decepticons started attacking but everyone went back into the base. Fowler was going to try to hold them off.

"What do we do?" Skywalker asked. "prime backup just arrived!" Fowler said. Optimus was trying to say military involvement would be catastrophic, but it wasn't human help. It was Wheeljack. Rachet was surprised. "Everyone, prepare to bridge our of here" Optimus said. Skywalker was shocked. "We're abandoning the base?" Arcee asked. "The base is lost, agent Fowler and Wheeljack will only be able to buy us time to escape, until we can rendezvous back for a counter attack" Optimus said. "what about Orion, he can't transform yet" Skywalker asked. "Actually he can. Orion, attach to mommy's arm" rachet said. Orion transformed into a little pod and attached himself to Skywalker. "You can still transform like that. He'll be safe" rachet assured. The kids went with there guardians. Smokescreen went by himself. "Be careful Optimus" Skywalker said. She kissed him goodbye and went out. She noticed she was by her parents house. She thought she might be able to hide there for a while. Her dad was surprised to see  her. "Skyler?" Her father said. "hi dad. I need some help." Skyler said. Her father was actually a car painter. "What do you need?" He asked. "a new look. I'm sure the Decepticons will find me based on my colors. I need a new paint job" she said. "you came to the right place. Come on." He took her to his shop. She was transformed as a plane. "Hey John, since when do you do planes?" A co-worker asked. "just doing a favor for my daughter. It's her plane" john said. "Oh, tell Skyler I said hi and that we miss her." He said. "will do Willam" John said. He took Skywalker inside and she transformed to let her son off. "whoa!" Her dad said. Orion started crawling around. "Dad, meet your grandson, Orion pax" Skywalker said. John was happy. "I didn't know you could have kids." John said. "so, what color do you want to do?" He asked. "anything but pink and purple. I'm thinking.. back and red. A mostly black body with a red outline." Skywalker said. He nodded and he got to work.

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