chapter 39

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"wow, you look amazing. And it even works in bot mode" John said. Skywalker's new look had black instead of white and her red wings were also now black. She just had light red streaks around her body. Orion didn't need changed since he was still young. Orion attached himself to Skywalker and John helped her outside. "Wow, her plane looks great. Even cooler than before" Willam said. "Yup, I got to take this home for Skyler. She's aloud to take off from the road." John said. They went somewhere where no humans were. "thank you dad, for everything." Skywalker said. "your welcome, now, go save the world. I knew a meteor shower didn't hit Jasper" John said. Skywalker took off and flew. She knew she couldn't face the Decepticons without a plan. "Mama?" Orion asked. "Yes sweetie?" Skywalker said. "Where's daddy?" He asked. "I don't know. We'll find him." She said.

They flew for a while. Then, a cybertronian aircraft landed near her. She couldn't tell if it was an Autobot or deception. She landed but was cautious. A bot came out who was mostly blue. He was clearly an Autobot. "I know your an Autobot. Transform and state your name solder." The bot said. Skywalker transformed. She could tell he was very by the book. "Skywalker, sir" she said. "I'm ultra Magnus." He said. "I've heard good things about you sir. My husband speaks highly of you" Skywalker said. He looked confused. "I also read 2 Autobot signals. Where is the second." He said. Orion got off his mother and jumped into her arms. "A mini-con. Alright. Let's go, there's more Autobot life signals." He said. " May I ask how many, sir?" Skywalker asked. "Including yours and the mini-con, 7" he said. "Out of nine" she said. "But the other two might be shielded" she thought. She got in the ship with him.

She saw there were only 7 life signals including hers and Orion's. "Mommy, when will we see daddy?" Orion asked. "I'm not sure son. Soon hopefully" Skywalker said. They reached the next life signal. It was Arcee and she of course had jack with her. Ultra Magnus told Arcee how he came to earth by tracking the energy beam of the Omega lock.

They headed to the next set of Autobot life signals. It was Wheeljack and bulkhead. They were fighting what looked like a metal dragon. Ultra Magnus shot at it and flew low enough for bulkhead and Wheeljack to enter the ship. Miko was with them. She gave jack a huge hug for her missed him. "So what's on our tailpipes?" Arcee asked. "we think it's a robot dragon" Miko said. "or a cybertronian reptile." Jack said. The dragon landed on top of ultra Magnus' ship. He smashed it into a rock to get it off.

They all started heading to the next set of Autobot life signals. They found themselves outside if an abandoned decepticon ship called the harbinger. Ultra Magnus landed and they saw bumblebee and rachet. They also had Raf with them. Miko gave Raf a hard hug and Jack was more gentle. Rachet explained that the harbinger needed some work to be used for Autobot frequencies, but the ground bridge was fully functional. "That would have been handy when we were facing the metal dragon" Miko said. "The life forms here, do they all disrespect authority?" Ultra Magnus asked. "No, mostly just Miko" rachet said.

Then, a plane came towards. It was agent Fowler. At first, ultra Magnus tried to shoot at the plane, but the other bots stopped him. "it's Fowler, he's with us" bulkhead said.

Fowler and June came out of the plane once it landed. June gave jack a huge hug for she was worried. "All the life signals that ultra were able to track are standing right here" Arcee said. "so the kid is unaccounted for." Bulkhead said. "smokescreen was deported unaccompanied, only Optimus knows where. While Optimus, stayed behind, to make sure, the other got to safety" rachet said sadly. Skywalker looked down sadly. "I saw the base go down. No one or thing got out of there." Fowler said. "Not that we could see" June said. "even if prime survived, I don't think we can wait for him to show up" Fowler said. "I have to agree with the native. We must fight against the Decepticons." Ultra Magnus said.

Ultra Magnus started talking about a plan. "Whoa, who made you leader?" Wheeljack asked. "actually, ultra Magnus, with all due respect, Optimus and I had a conversation that if anything were to happen to him, Skywalker would lead us" rachet said. "Wait, what?" Skywalker asked. "you've grown strong as a Autobot. He feels you are ready. He realized it when he had cybonic plague. He saw how desperate you were. He could see your leadership skills. And he also saw how you have been raising your son." Rachet said. "Rachet, thank you but, I don't think I'm ready, I'll let ultra Magnus lead for now, but, of Optimus doesn't come back, I'll lead then." Skywalker said. Everyone nodded. "now that everything is in order, soldier, let's get a move on" ultra Magnus said. He lead them inside his ship and showed them a ton of cool weapons. "Autobots, take your pick." He said. Skywalker decided to help rachet in the harbinger to monitor the team progress and keep an eye on her son as well.

Everyone got ready for battle. Skywalker was hoping Optimus was alive. "as soon as this is over, we'll find him. If he is gone, we'll give him a proper burial." Rachet said. "I.. I really hope he's okay. I already almost lost him so many times. I can't lose him again." Skywalker said sadly. Rachet promised he would not stop until Optimus was found.

Meanwhile, underground near the dostroyed base, a very weak Optimus was thinking about Skywalker. Smokescreen had returned to where they were with the forge of solas prime. "Optimus, I have the forge" smokescreen said. "The forge's power is not unlimited, its power has already begun to ebb." Optimus said weakly. "So its running low, we just need enough to fix you up" smokescreen said. "what ever power remains must be used to restore the Omega lock. To restore cybertronian." Optimus said. "but, that would mean.." smokescreen said. "The time for a new leader is upon us. And I believe the leader stands before me right now. I want you, to take care, of my wife and son, until my wife is able to lead when she's ready" Optimus said. Smokescreen didn't think he could do it.

Later, Optimus was weaker than ever. "Who's stands before me?" He asked. "What, it's me Optimus, smokescreen." Smokescreen said. "Who......" Optimus seemed to pass and his chest opened up. "No, it can't end this way" he said. He grabbed the forge and placed it in Optimus' hand. He was fully restored and even got a bigger and better look.

At the Decepticon fortress, the Autobots were captured. Megatron was about to have his cannons shoot the nation's capital, Washington DC, but Starscream saw something flying twords them. Then they realized it was Optimus prime. He was flying. He helped the Autobots bring down the fortress. It took time but it was done.

They got a new base and Skywalker was relieved to see Optimus was okay. They knew the forge was drained of the rest of its power. Fowler thanked the Autobots for their bravery and devotion. He just wished the world knew about this but even he knew it was risky. "I like the new base, but there's not much privacy here" Optimus noted. "actually prime, you and Skywalker fallow me. We are giving you a extra hanger just for you too whenever you want alone time" Fowler said with a smirk. Inside hanger A, they had a giant bed for them and it had no windows. It also was soundproofed. Rachet agreed to watch Orion for the night to leave Optimus and Skywalker alone for one night.

"I was really worried" she said once they laid down. "I am sorry honey." He said sadly. She kissed him. "I like the new look though, it works for you." She said. He looked at her and smiled. "Your new look is amazing too. I knew sending you to your parents was a good idea" he said. She smiled and they spent there night together.

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