chapter 24

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A couple weeks later Optimus was at the computer. "And it was written in the covenant of Primus. That when the 47 sphere alined, upon a world forged by chaos. Darkness will rise, and the weak shall parish upon the rising darkness" Optimus said. Skywalker was on her way to the main room. She was hearing the conversation. "I think it's a bunch of hooey." Bulkhead said. "I always thought that the ancients were referring to our planet, but considering our home has been dark for centuries." Rachet started. "And what has happened on this planet since Megatron's arrival here" Optimus continued. "Wait, we have known about this forever and we never gave them a second thought. Why all the fuss now?" Bulkhead asked. "Because the planetary alignment of which the prophecy speaks, is nearly upon us." Optimus said. "How long are we talking?" Arcee asked. "A few days, at most." Rachet said. "I'm more concerned with those who think the prophecy speaks to them alone" Optimus said. Skywalker finally made it to the room. She was breathing heavily. "O.. Optimus" Skywalker said. He turned to her. She was doubled over looking like she was in pain. He remembered the baby was due any day. "Sky! Are you alright?" He asked coming to her. "'s time" she said. "Rachet!" Optimus said.

They got Skywalker laying down. "Breath Skywalker. Optimus, you need to hold her hand." Rachet said. Optimus nodded and took her hand. "Do you know what to do?" Optimus asked. "I've read so much about it. But I think I can do this with no problems" rachet said. Skywalker just kept breathing hard.

"Okay sky, push" rachet said. Skywalker took a deep breath and pushed. "Ah! Ah!" Skywalker screamed. She squeezed Optimus' hand. She stopped the push and breathed. "Easy honey. You can do this" Optimus said. "Push!" Rachet ordered Skywalker. Skywalker pushed again and screamed. Optimus could see she was in a lot of pain. Optimus got scared he would lose her. Skywalker stopped the push and could see the fear in Optimus' optics. "Do..don't... Be.. afraid. I....its... normal.... pain" Skywalker struggled to say. "Alright Skywalker, I think I see the head. Push!" Rachet said. Skywalker took a deep breath and pushed one more time. She screamed in pain. Then, a different scream was heard. The scream of Optimus and Skywalker's baby. Rachet handed the baby to Skywalker right away. "Is it a boy or girl?" Skywalker asked. "I have to take some energon to find out. I wanted you to have a little time with it before I found out if it's a boy or girl." Rachet said. "It's okay. Do the test" Skywalker said. Rachet nodded and took the needed energon. Then rachet handed Skywalker a bottle of energon for the baby. Rachet ran the test and got the results in minutes. "So?" Optimus asked. "Congratulations Optimus, you have a son" rachet said. Optimus smiled. Skywalker didn't hear that. She was too focused on her baby. Optimus came next to her. "Hi Orion" Optimus said to the baby. Skywalker looked at Optimus. "It's a boy?" Skywalker asked. Optimus nodded. Skywalker smiled. "Orion pax." Skywalker said looking at her son.

Hours later the kids came by. They were excited to hear that Skywalker finally had her baby. The kids were on a conspiracy website. They found a picture of bumblebee. "Is that bumblebee?" Rachet asked. "On a conspiracy website. Where people post evidence of close encounters. But we have it under control rachet. We just take bumblebee and replace it with..." Rachet said as he placed a dancing monkey in place of bumblebee. Rachet laughed. Everyone looked at him shocked. "Rachet actually laughed?" Miko asked. Jack chuckled. "Hey Optimus, wanna see something funny?" Jack asked. "No" he said. He was to focused on the computer about the planetary alignment. "Don't take it personal. Primes are built that way." Arcee said. "Yeah I've never seen him laugh, cry, or lose his cool. Well, I saw him cry tears of joy when his son was born, but anyone would I guess" bulkhead said. "While Optimus keeps his emotions in check I've known him a lot longer than any of you have. And he was different before he was a prime" rachet said. "Optimus wasn't always a prime?" Raf asked. "No, on cybertron, one isn't born into greatness." Rachet said. "So different how? Like party animal" Miko asked. "No, no, he was more like... Jack" rachet said. "Me? I'm sure me and Optimus have anything in common." Jack said. "don't be to sure" Skywalker said holding her son. "Why do you say that?" Jack asked. "Being his wife I've seen what he's like he normally doesn't let anyone else see. He reminds me of you a lot" Skywalker said.

"Oh yeah, what did you guys name your son?" Raf asked. "Orion Pax" Skywalker said. "you guys named him after..." Rachet started. "Yes Rachet. We did." Skywalker interrupted.

Agent Fowler came on the computer. He explained that cons have been stealing earth tech. He gave a list of what was stolen. They only needed one more thing to build a space bridge. An ample power source.

Later that night the cons were attacking a US military lab. Agent Fowler said there boys would fend them off until team prime would get there. Optimus told him that he can't allow human casualties. So agent Fowler told them to retreat.

Rachet opened the ground bridge and got to the sight. Bumblebee had taken Raf somewhere. Rachet racked bumblebee's position and told Bee the situation. He was getting ready to bridge Raf back to base. But that never happened. "Rachet, open a ground bridge immediately" Optimus ordered. "Someone must be wounded" rachet said. "I'll prepare sick bay" Skywalker said. She put baby Orion in his giant crib and prepared the sick bay. Arcee and bumblebee came though the bridge holding a unconscious Raf. "Raf?" Jack asked. "What happened?" Rachet asked. "Megatron" Arcee said. They got him in the sick bay. Luckily Skywalker knew a lot about human anatomy and physiology. Even though Skywalker never finished school, she was in medical school before she met Optimus. She didn't finish because of her love for Optimus. But she knew enough to help Raf. Rachet's tools were all wrong. "I'm calling my mom" jack said. "your mother may be a nurse but dose she know what energon can do to the human body?" Rachet asked. "Do you know anything about the human body?" Jack asked. Rachet went silent.

Jack called his mom and she arrived within minutes. "Jack, I have a bag in my room. Second door on the right near the armory" Skywalker said. "What's it look like?" Jack asked. "Like your mom's but a bit bigger. Go" Skywalker said. Jack went and found the bag.

She pulled out a normal stethoscope. "His hear rate is dropping. June, I need a blood sample." Skywalker said. "What for?" June asked. "To figure out how much energon is in his blood." Skywalker said. June nodded and got the sample. She took the blood and put it under a microscope. While she was looking bulkhead came back without Optimus. The energon was purple, not blue. "It's not normal energon, it's dark energon." Skywalker said. "I only know one way to get it out. I need energon" rachet said. "Wait, you said energon can be devastating on humans" June said. "Under normal circumstances quite, but since this is dark energon, we are using the normal energon to force it out" Skywalker explained. Rachet took some energon from bumblebee. They got Raf into a infuser and did the energon transfusion. It worked. "He's going to be alright" Skywalker

When Skywalker saw Optimus wasn't there, she asked where he was. He was on the war ship to stop Megatron. Rachet tracked him and found he was a valcano. He said they had to get Optimus out of there and now. When Optimus came back, he was weak. He was exposed to a ton of dark energon. He was found by a valcano that was spiting it out. "What in the world is the blood of Unicron doing in the valcano" rachet asked. "The cons killed a unicorn?" Miko asked. Everyone but Skywalker and the humans looked confused. "White horse with a horn on his head, bounces around all sparkly." Miko explained. "Unicron. The chaos bringer" rachet said. "So he's like a Boogeyman?" June asked. "Boogeyman?" Skywalker took over. "No June, Unicron was very real. Optimus told me alittle about him. The 13 original primes defeated him" Skywalker said. June had heard enough. she got Raf into her car. She told the kids were they were leaving and not coming back. Miko and Jack stayed.

The weather around the world was going crazy. There were earthquakes happening around the world at the exact same time. Bumblebee saw there was a tornado in Jasper. He quickly ran to save June and Raf.

When June and Raf got there, the world had issued a global emergency. Agent Fowler came to see of they learned anything. They discovered that the earthquakes started on the earth core. "Wait, earthquakes don't start there. Do they?" Agent Fowler asked. Skywalker picked up her son. "Not normally" Skywalker said. Rachet saw a pattern. He realized the the core, was a cybertronian. "Wait there's something living down there?" Miko asked. "So Unicron is the rising darkness" Optimus said. "What can we do?" Skywalker asked. Optimus remained silent. "You don't know, do you?" June asked. "I do know we need to stop him from rising completely. It looks like Unicron is the Earth's very core" Optimus said. They didn't know how they were going to stop it.

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