chapter 10

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Skywalker got worried. The next day Optimus said he plan. "We must get to the space bridge before Megatron does" Optimus said. They didn't have a way to space. Raf and Miko were already there. Miko suggested using the ground bridge. Rachet expined the risks but Optimus said they had to chance it. Arcee had gone somewhere earlier. Then everyone heard a beep. Arcee rode in with Jack on her. Jack got of and removed his helmet. "Hey guess who's back" jack said. "Autobots, prepare for departure" Optimus ordered. "Where to?" Arcee asked. "The final frontier" Miko said. Skywalker chuckled quietly. "Wh.. space, I thought they didn't have a way to get there." Jack said concerned. "They don't, really" Raf said as Bubblebee set him down. "I'll be seeing you?" Jack asked Arcee. Arcee only nodded. Skywalker never has been to space and was excited. The ground bridge was set.

"Optimus, of you leave me here teaming with humans I will never forgive you" rachet said. "Until we meet again old friend" Optimus said. Skywalker was nervous but had to hold it together for her and her unborn baby. "Autobots, roll out!" Optimus ordered. Everyone except Rachet transformed. They entered the ground bridge. "Maximum overdrive" Optimus said. They soon entered space. The space bridge was in sight. "Autobots, trasform, and gravitze." Optimus ordered. Everyone did as they were told. "Woah, don't look down, or up, or left" bulkhead said. "Bulk, your fine." Skywalker said. They looked behind them and saw Megatron's ship, the nemesis. "So Megatron is packing enough dark energon to raise Cybertron's dead?" Arcee asked. "And sice we don't possess ready means of disabling the space bridge." Optimus started. He got his guns out and everyone fallowed. "Nothing gets in or out" Optimus said.

They waited. And waited. Finally Arcee said "well, what are they waiting for?" Optimus stood straight. "It appears the Decepticons have sustained serious damage to there interstellar navigation system" Optimus said. "Oh, that's my handy work" bulkhead said. "Nice work bulkhead, without the dish, they will be unable to ain the space bridge at Cybertron." Optimus said. "Don't the 'cons know where there own planet?" Raf asked over the com link. "Naturally, but Cybertron is many light-years way, to reach their target their aim must be Astronomically precise" rachet said over the comlink. "If Megatron went though the trouble to rendezvous with his space bridge, he must have a alternative targeting system. A remote one" Optimus said. Skywalker had to think. Rachet scoffed. "well from what I know from Earth technology I don't think a single radio-telescope can be powerful enough to pinpoint Cybertron" Rachet said. "What about a bunch of linked radio-telesopes. Like the giant arrays in Texas" Raf said. "Yep, dip, this is not child's play" rachet said.

"Raf, your a genius. Ratchet have agent Fowler alert the array staff." Skywalker said. "That might be a challenge" rachet said. There was silence. Raf thought of he could get all they way in, he could divert the Decepticons. Optimus was worried but Raf was willing to try.

Soon, Decepticons started coming out of the ship. Skywalker took off to fight. It wasn't easy. She had to push back the lightheadedness. She quickly brought down 50 Decepticons. Then she went back to the team. It felt like the bridge was moving. They knew the Decepticons were locking on. Then it suddenly stopped. Bumblebee buzzed happily. "Indeed Bubblebee, this can only be Raf's doing." Optimus said.

Sadly, it didn't last long. The bridge locked on and activated. Megatron appeared on top of the nemesis. He was holding a big chunk of dark energon. He threw it into the space bridge. Optimus tried to destroy it before it hit the bridge, but it was to late. Skywalker knew this was bad. Moments later Megatron yelled "rise my army!"

Optimus knew they had to destroy the space bridge. Rachet asked if there was another way but Optimus said no. "well then, let us light our darkest hour" rachet said. "Autobots, get to position and fallow Rachet's lead. While I take my stand" Optimus said. Skywalker wanted to stay but knew she couldn't. She fallowed the others to the valve.

It took them a while to find it. Arcee fallowed Rachet's instructions to Revere the flow of the energon, which would cause the energon to explode, destroying the space bridge. Once Arcee reversed it they cheered. Rachet opened a ground bridge. "Autobots, jump" Optimus said. Everyone did and Arcee was hit by Megatron. bubblebee grabbed her before she floated off. Megatron was close to the blast and looked like he was trying to grab something when the bridge exploded.

Optimus got back to base first, then Skywalker. Then bulkhead. "Bulkhead!" Miko yelled running to him. Then Bubblebee came though with Arcee in his arms. "We lost one this week, by the allspark don't let it be two" rachet said.

Jack was worried. "Arcee" he said. "Really Jack, there are other motorcycles in the world" Arcee said. "But your my first" he said. The scene melted Skywalker's spark. "And Megatron?" rachet asked. "Not even he could have survived ground zero" Optimus said. Sky thought it was time to tell the kids. Arcee got out of bumblebee's arms. "So is this the part where you say goodbye and tell us to forget we ever saw you?" Miko asked. Skywalker looked at Optimus. "No, Arcee, Bubblebee, bulkhead, you will be there guardians from now on" Optimus said. The team smiled. "Raf, Miko, jack, I need to talk to you" Skywalker said. "Are you sure you're ready?" Optimus asked. Skywalker nodded. "kids, I never been to Cybertron. Earth has always been my home" Skywalker said. "Wait, are you saying you were human?" Jack asked. "exactly. My marriage to Optimus made me the Autobot I am today." Skywalker said. "So what's your real name?" Raf asked. "Skyler Miller." She said. "but I always went by sky. So I chose Skywalker as my new name because I loved to fly. And that's why I'm the only flying autobot as of right now" Skywalker said. The kids nodded. "Well, it's getting late. You three Better get home" Optimus said. The kids agreed and left with Arcee, bumblebee and bulkhead.

"Optimus, I need yo talk to you too" Skywalker said. "What about love?" Optimus asked wrapping his arms around her. "Congratulations Optimus prime, your going to be a father" Skywalker said. Optimus was confused. "I'm pregnant. It means we are going to have a baby bot" she said happily. Optimus was shocked. He somehow knew where the baby was. He knelt down to Skywalker's metal stomach and kissed it. They went to there room and talked more about it.

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