chapter 14

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A few days later everyone was just hanging out and making sure there was no 'con activity. "Prime! Prime!" They heard agent Fowler's voice. Everyone walked towards the computer. " Special Agent Fowler? To what do we owe-" "what else? 'cons. I cased them off with some hard ordinance, but not before they blew me out of the sky" Fowler said. "again?" Miko mocked. "They tried to smash and grab for the D.N.G.S." Fowler said. "that what's it?" Arcee asked. "I read something about it a while back" Skywalker said. "It's stands for... ugh, I can't think of it" Skywalker said. "Dynamic nuclear generator system. AKA D.N.G.S. Its a prototype energy source I'm transporting to the cost for testing." Fowler said.

"What would cons want with something like that?" Skywalker asked. "Exactly, why would Starscream bother with such primitive technology?" Rachet asked. "My guess to make a primitive weapon of mass destruction. If this baby were to melt down, it would radiate this state and the four nextdoor." Fowler said.

"Um..did he say what state he was currently in?" Raf asked nervously. "I'm a sitting duck here prime. I need you to fire up your ground bridge so It can reach its destination." Fowler said. "Agent Fowler, that's out of the question" Skywalker said. "Agreed. If there were an accident during it's transport, the radiation of what you speak could go though the ground bridge vortex, and harm all 50 states and beyond" Optimus said. "Got any better idea?" Fowler asked. "I have one." Skywalker said. Everyone looked at her. "Optimus, you have a trailer right?" Skywalker asked. "You know that answer love" Optimus said. "Here's the plan. Bulkhead, bumblebee and you drive it to a train. Arcee will be in the trailer with the D.N.G.S. I can even survey from the sky. I know I'm pregnant but, If I fly low enough, I won't feel light headed." Skywalker said. They all agreed. Fowler contacted some people to make sure the plan will work.

The next day the bots, including sky, went to where agent Fowler was. Fowler got in Optimus. Sky wasn't going to fight, but Would watch from the sky.

"Autobots, roll out" Optimus said. Rachet was back at base with the kids. Sky started flying. It was alittle harder to transform with her still small bump, but she was careful. She flew low enough to not feel lightheaded, but high enough to where she could still see.

Soon she saw a helicopter behind her. "Watch your rear views" bulkhead said though the comlink. Skywalker saw 4 green and black cars surround the bots. "I'm feeling alittle constricted without the use of my fists here boss" bulkhead said. "Maintain vehicle mode unless absolutely necessary." Optimus said. "A whole team of cons" Fowler said. "What? Im not getting anything, they must be using a cloaking device." Rachet said over the comlink. "Wait... Cons are purple mostly. What if?" Sky thought. "Our assailants are not Decepticons. They are human" Optimus said. Everyone was shocked.

One human tried to shoot something at Optimus. Optimus swerved and hit the car, causing the man to slip. The weapon went off causing a explosion.

"Autobots, maintain your cover, and apply minimal force. Disarmament only" Optimus ordered. Sky watched. She wanted to help, but she couldn't cause a crash in the sky. Skywalker saw a man getting on Optimus. Optimus swerve right. It caused the car he came from to crash, but the man stayed on. Agent Fowler got out and climbed to get the man. It looked like he was thrown from the truck.

"I hope you take better care of the D.N.G.S. better than you do your captives." A voice said over the radio. Skywalker knew the voice. It was her last boyfriend before Optimus. Leland Bishop. She thought he died in Battle.

"Special Agent Willam Fowler here, identify yourself" agent Fowler said. "I am Silas. But the greater consequence for you, we are mech." Leland said. "Leland? Why are you doing this?" Skywalker thought. She couldn't speak to him. Not yet.

Arcee eventually came it of the trailer in her motorcycle mode to stop mech from getting the D.N.G.S. soon after that they reached the rendezvous point. Sky stayed above as the others fallowed the train. She saw the first part of the tunnel collapse. She thought a bot was responsible.

When she saw Optimus and the others emerge from the other side, she knew Leland wouldn't give up. As they were driving, 5 Decepticon planes came next to Leland's helicopter. The Decepticons shot at Optimus and he disattached himself from his trailer. The cons hit the trailer. Skywalker flew lower and lended next to the others. "Agent Fowler, I'm afraid if we and you are to survive, it has become absolutely necessary to drop our cover" Optimus said.

They all went to bot mode. Leland's helicopter stayed close by to observe. Even though sky was pregnant, she had to fight. Everyone fought hard. Then Fowler said Silas got wise to faze two. Optimus fell off the cliff after getting hit by a tree log. Optimus got up and went after the train. "Arcee, you guys got this? I'm going to keep an eye on Optimus" sky said. "go. We got this" Arcee said. Sky transformed and flew to cover Optimus.

She saw Optimus driving to catch the train. "Optimus, Jack and Miko are in that train and mech blew the tracks." Rachet said over the comlink. "I understand!" Optimus said. Sky saw him go into maximum overdrive. Then Optimus made it to the front of the train and went to bot mode and made the train stop by grabbing it and using friction. The train stopped just before the part where it blew. "Optimus, are you and the children... Intact?" Rachet asked nervously. "Intact rachet. Crisis averted. But the world on where we live is different than previously thought, one that forged it's own Decepticons, in human skin." Optimus said. Sky landed and transformed. "Optimus, are you alright?" Sky asked. "I'm fine. My foot hurts alittle but I can handle it" he said. She hugged him. 'I can't tell Optimus I know him. But, I'll try to tell Fowler'. Sky thought. Everyone went back to base.

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