chapter 8

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When they got to the other said everyone went back to bot mode. "Energon mine" bulkhead said. "Judging by it's scale, the decorations have been mining here for some time" Optimus said. "I agree" Skywalker said. They hid and saw the operation. Then Optimus stood. "Let's find Cliffjumper" Optimus said.

They walked forward and Decepticons came towards them. They fought in bot mode for a while. Skywalker was the first to go to vehicle mode. She used guns that her mode had to fight the cons. The rest of the team went into bot mode and Optimus said "Maximum overdrive" the team rammed into the Decepticons. They came to a point to hide again in bot mode. Bulkhead whistled, "nice operation" he said then they were shot at. They shot back. Skywalker was shooting when she saw a flash of red. Arcee saw it too. "I have a visual" Arcee said. "We'll cover you, go!" Optimus said. Skywalker transformed and covered form the air. She wasn't paying attention to what was going on with cliff. She just needed to get them home safely. She heard laughing. She turned to see Starscream. "I'd stick around but I'm squeamish" he said as he dropped a bomb. Sky flew back to the others as Optimus and Arcee went without Cliffjumper. "What about Cliffjumper?" Sky asked. "Didn't you see, he's gone" Arcee said mad. "Rachet, bridge us back, use arrival know!" Optimus said and the bridge appeared. They went though it. They got back to base. Optimus turned back to bot mode and did a flip to avoid exploding energon. "Cutting it close, how bout Cliffjumper?" Rachet asked. Everyone looked down. "What happened? was there a fight? Can I come with next time?" Miko asked excitedly. Arcee got mad and said "look" but Jack interrupted "hey Miko, let's got see what the bots hide in there sock drawers." He said. "seriously?" Miko asked.

"Arcee, what did you see?" Optimus asked. "Not cliff, at least not anymore, he was butchered, he looked like one of those con experiments during the war" then Arcee passed out. Bubblebee buzzed and walked towards her. "I'm fine, just, dizzy" Arcee said.

"Robots who get dizzy?" Miko asked. "Robots with emotions" Raf said. "Robots, who can die" jack said sadly. Rachet scanned Arcee with his arm. "What is this?" He asked. There was purple goo on her hand. "Don't know, cliff was covered in it, leaking it" Arcee said. Rachet took a Giant Scalpel and scraped off some purple goo. "go take a decontamination bath, now" he said boldly. Bubblebee helped Arcee up to go to the bath. "Optimus, I hate to bug but no bars" jack said holding his phone. "A security measure, the silo walls block all radio waves." Optimus said. "well if I don't call my mom right now, I'm pretty sure the cops will be out looking for me" jack said. "have you broken a law?" Optimus said seriously. "A curfew, it's after 10 pm" jack said. "I better get home too. Or I'll be grounded for a year." Raf said. "earth customs, I hadn't considered. But your safety remains an issue. Bulkhead, escort Miko home" Optimus said. "sweet, my host parents will freak" Miko said. "and do convert surveillance in vehicle mode." Optimus added. "Cerveside duty, got it" bulkhead said. "aw" Miko companied.

"Bubblebee, you'll watch over Raf" Optimus said. Raf smiled. "Rachet" Optimus started. "Busy" he said. "Arcee, you'll watch over jack" Optimus said. "oh, still dizzy" Arcee said. "Your fine, says your physician" rachet said. "Ug" Arcee complaied. "Why not me Optimus?" Skywalker asked. "How do I put this, a plane would look suspicious" Optimus said. "oh right." Skywalker said. The bots left with there humans.

"Optimus, I'll run tests to see what this goo is" rachet said. "thank you Rachet. I want to spend time with my wife. Come Skywalker" he said. They went to there room. There was a huge bed there when ever they were..... together for a night. They had the room soudproofed. "I love you sky" Optimus said. Skywalker giggled. "I love you too Optimus prime" Sky said. "But, when should we tell the kids that I used to be human?" Sky asked. "That's a good question. Maybe after we've known them a little while" Optimus said. Sky agreed. They kissed. Optimus brought her to the bed and they laid down.

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