chapter 36

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"Optimus, what's he saying?" Skywalker asked. Optimus ignored her. Skywalker was scared. Then, he let the sword down and looked out of breath. "What did he say?" Sky asked. "it is Paramount that we get the final for relics. The Omega keys" Optimus said. "Keys to what?" Rachet asked. "The revival of Cybertron." Optimus said. Skywalker was shocked. There were only 4 iacon database codes left and that was where the keys were.

"Pack your gear. We're going back to Cybertron!" Bulkhead said excitedly. Bee buzzed. "Well believe it now bumblebee." Rachet said. "But I just got here" smokescreen said. "Ha ha I can't wait to tell Miko" bulkhead said. Then he looked sad. "And Jack" Arcee said sadly. Bee buzzed sadly. Orion tried to crawl up to Optimus who was busy with the iacon database. "Orion, leave daddy alone." Skywalker said. "It time for your nap." She said. He pouted. "Come on" she said with a chuckle. She rocked him until he fell asleep and she put him in his crib. "I've only been to Cybertron once, that's was when we got his memory back. Now, I might have to live there? And what about Orion, he's never known anything other than earth." Skywalker thought.

Skywalker went back to the main room to find smokescreen and Arcee gone. "We uncovered the first key. Smokescreen and Arcee are getting it in Egypt." Optimus said not looking away from the screen. Then Arcee returned without smokescreen. She said that Megatron killed smokescreen, with a weapon that he created. A weapon just like the star saber. "If Megatron really did get a weapon equally to the star saber, only I can get the Omega key." Optimus said.

"Please be careful Optimus. He managed to kill smokescreen, I can't imagine what he could do to you" Skywalker said. Optimus nodded and grabbed his saber. Rachet opened a ground bridge for him. Skywalker was worried. Orion started crying. She got him and brought him back to the main room, waiting for the bridge to open. "Rachet, send a ground bridge immediately?" Optimus said over the com. Rachet did. When Optimus came though, the star saber was destroyed, but, smokescreen was there. "smokescreen?!" Everyone said. "And Omega key number one" he said. "But how?" Arcee asked. "I um, I decided to barrow the phase shifter." Smokescreen said. Smokescreen explained that when he was thrown into the pyramid, the phase shifter must have activated. he wasn't sure how long he was unconscious, but when he came too, Optimus and Megatron were battling out. Smokescreen waited to the right moment to grab the Omega key.

"So can I keep it? It seems to be working out for me." Smokescreen said. "Very well" rachet said. "sweet, signiture weapon." Smokescreen said but saw the broken star saber. "You have yours, Optimus lost his." Bulkhead said. "Optimus is still just as great without it. It's the reason I fell in love with him" Skywalker said.

Optimus was busy working on the other coordinances. Soon Optimus uncovered another set of coordiances. Optimus sent bumblebee and Arcee. "Hey, what about me?" Smokescreen asked. Bulkhead bumped him. "I mean, me and bulkhead and sky?" Smokescreen asked. "You three will remain here in case I'm able to decipher another set of coordinances." Optimus said as he started working on the next set. Skywalker was tending to Orion.

"M...m.." Orion started. "Orion?" Skywalker asked. " Mama" Orion said. "Orion, you just said your first word." Skywalker praised. She hugged him. "D..da..dada" he said looking at Optimus. "Did he just talk?" Optimus asked looking from the computer. "Yes. He said mama and dada" sky said. Optimus smiled.  Bumblebee buzzed saying they needed a ground bridge. When Arcee and bumblebee came through, Arcee said knockout was there waiting for them. They were unable to get the Omega key.

Soon Optimus got the next set deciphered. Bulkhead and smokescreen had to go since bumblebee and Arcee were still hurt. Skywalker was on standby just in case Optimus got the last set of coordiances.

A while later, smokescreen and bulkhead came back. Smokescreen was knocked out and lost the Omega key. Arcee started lecturing him about how this is a war and it's not about his destiny. "Arcee, you've made your point" Optimus said. "Optimus he needs to hear this" Arcee said. "Arcee, I wouldn't" sky said. Arcee glared at her as she continued to lecture smokescreen.

When she finally finished, smokescreen looked disappointed. "You know what, maybe I'm just not good enough" he said as he transformed and drove off. "Next time Optimus tells you to stop, you should" rachet said. "I'll get him" bulkhead said. "No bulk, smokescreen needs to clear his mind. And Optimus needs to finish deciphering the last set of coordiances." Skywalker said. "well said sky" Optimus said as he turned and got back to work.

"It was all the truth" Arcee said. "Arcee, smokescreen is like a teenager on Earth. He's still very young and has a lot to learn. His ego is just high right now. If it were me, I would have done a more gentle approach." Skywalker said. "Ahh. The last set has been decoded." Optimus said. "Has it?* Rachet asked looking at it.

"Hm, it looks like a secondary inscription." Optimus said. "maybe it's a picture of the relic" bulkhead said. "I doubt it. Maybe it's..... Rachet, did you examine smokescreen when he first arrived?" Skywalker asked. "no why?" Rachet said. The picture then showed smokescreen himself. "Oh no. He's the key. Either that or has the key in him. Either way he's in danger" Skywalker said. "smokescreen, return to base immediately" Optimus called over the comlink. "He probably deactivated it. Rachet, track him then we will ground bridge to him" Skywalker said. "sky, you stay here with Orion" Optimus said. She nodded. They ground bridged to smokescreen but they were too late. The Decepticons had him.

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