Chapter 1

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"Hyung, hyung, hyung! Let's play!" five year old Jungkook was practically bouncing as he pleaded with wide eyes. "Go away, you little brat. I'm tired." Yoongi lay on the couch, grumbling. "You don't really think I'm a brat, you love me!" Yoongi had to hide a smile at that. Jungkook really knew him too well. "... Just go," he mumbled. Jungkook grinned as he skipped away. He knew he had Yoongi wrapped around his finger.

Jin clambered onto the stool, trying to manoeuvre the pan. He was determined to become the cook of family and make delicious food for his parents and all his dear brothers. If he could just lift the pan onto the stove...
His father, Mr Kim, walked into the kitchen, and chuckled when he saw Jin trying his best to pick the pan up. "Why don't you leave breakfast to me, son? I'll let you try cooking another time, otherwise you'll be late for school spending so much time on breakfast." Jin sighed, but jumped down from the stool nonetheless. Mr Kim ruffled Jin's hair affectionately, and set to making a delicious omelette.

In the boys' bedroom, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung danced around to the music blasting on the radio. Namjoon sat on his bed, calmly reading a book on psychology and somehow managing to focus despite the noise from the three. "Joonie, stop reading and come join us! Dancing is way more fun!" Hoseok tried to persuade Namjoon to take part in the fun. But to no avail. "No thanks, I don't want to break a bone." Namjoon replied and fixed his eyes back on his book. Hoseok shrugged and went back to dancing crazily with the other twins.

"Boys, breakfast!" Mrs Kim called out. At the mention of food, all the boys immediately raced to the dining room and sat in their respective seats. Their parents came out of the kitchen holding plates of mouth-watering omelette. The boys, holding themselves back from devouring the food, waited until all the plates had been set on the table and their parents had settled down in their seats. "Knock yourselves out boys!" They needed no further instruction. They all scoffed down their food, enjoying the amazing taste of onions and peas and egg. In almost no time at all, they were done with their meal. They each grabbed their plate and went to the kitchen to wash it, thanking their parents for the meal on the way. Mr and Mrs Kim had always emphasised on being well-mannered and polite, as well as clean. Once they were finished, they all went to get dressed and ready for school. Jungkook was in kindergarten, Jimin and Taehyung were in their first year of elementary school, Namjoon and Hoseok were in their second year, Yoongi was in his first year of middle school and Jin was in his second year. Luckily, the schools were all nearby, so they could walk to and from school together. Once everyone was ready, they each gave their parents a kiss goodbye and left the house. Their parents smiled fondly at the sight of them walking together, holding hands or putting their arms around each other's shoulders. It was a typical morning at the Kim household.

Mr Kim sighed in frustration. He felt like pulling his hair out from all the stress he was feeling from work. His company hadn't been doing well, and as the boss, all eyes were on him. Investors had threatened to pull out and stop working with him, that's how badly his company was falling apart. All the blame would be put on him if he didn't manage to get a handle on things soon. Everyday, he was getting closer to being bankrupt and losing the company. Yet, even with all the motivation and time, he simply could not find a solution. He let out another sigh. Mrs Kim came up to him, and caressed his cheek. "Darling, don't be too hard on yourself. If you lose this company, it's not the end of the world. There's still my job, there's time for you find something else." Mr Kim shook his head, "No, I built this company up myself, I'm not about to just let it go to ruin!" His wife flinched at his harsh tone. Another sigh, "I'm sorry love, just, remember not to let the kids know?" "Of course."

And so, when the kids came home, they went about their business, pretending that everything was fine. No troubles, no worries, no stress. If only it was reality, they both thought. If only we could turn things around and not have to pretend, actually be stable. But the two adults could only go on wishing, with no way to make their wish come true. They could only be thankful that their seven precious boys would not be encountering such troubles for a long while to come.

And yet, little did they know, all the boys had their own demons, their own struggles. Each had a Pandora's box that they kept locked inside their heart, that they were unwilling to share with anyone, even each other.

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